Dr Pamela G Katic
BA Hons, MsC., PhD
Associate Professor in Economics
Livelihoods and Institutions Department
+44 (0)1634 88 3884
Dr Pamela Katic has a first degree in Economics from the Universidad de San Andres (Argentina), a Masters in Environmental and Resource Economics and PhD in Economics from the Australian National University. Her PhD thesis was developed under the ANU-UNESCO Chair in Water Economics & Transboundary Water Governance and it entailed applications of optimal groundwater management in the Guarani Aquifer System in South America. In 2011, she joined the West Africa Office of the International Water Management Institute, a CGIAR institution, as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics. In this position and later as a Research Fellow in Economics in the same institution, she gained considerable experience assessing the constraints and opportunities of innovative agricultural investments and policies in developing countries. She joined NRI in August 2017 as a Social Scientist focusing on quantitative socio-economic methods.
Pamela has led and participated in over twenty innovative interdisciplinary research projects and has been active in public forums such as agricultural sector working groups and teams advising the implementation of agricultural, water and food systems research for development programs. Pamela’s research has been translated into high-quality articles in some of the world’s leading water, environmental and economics journals and she has presented her work in a variety of regional and high-profile international conferences. She has also taken an active role in international networks and platforms such as the Food, Water, Energy and Environment network, Future Earth’s Water-Food-Energy Global Project, the Water Justice Hub and the FAO’s Global Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems.
Pamela has field experience in numerous African countries and Latin America. She is fluent in Spanish (mother tongue), English, and speaks some French and Portuguese. She has strong analytical skills in the following methods: econometrics; Bayesian models; cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis; policy analysis matrices, SAM/CGE modelling; hydro-economic modelling; dynamic optimisation; and mathematical programming.
- Katic, P., Cerretelli, S., Haggar, J., Santika, T. and Walsh, C. (2022). Mainstreaming biodiversity in business decisions: taking stock of tools and gaps. Biological Conservation (Revised and resubmitted)
- Jellason, N. P., Robinson, E., Katic, P., Davies, J.E., Devenish, A., Po, J., Martin, A., Adanu, S., Gebrehiwot, T., Teklewold, H., Franks, P. and Adolph, B. (2022). Winners and losers: Exploring the differential impacts of agricultural expansion in Ethiopia and Ghana. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 4, 100176.
- Katic, P.G. (2021). Climate change governance in agroforestry systems: A systematic review. Journal of the British Academy, 9 (11).
- Millbank, C., Burlingame, B., Hunter, D., Brunel, A., Fernandez de Larrimoa, Y., Martinez, T., Katic, P.G., Aboubacrine, M., Roy, P., Rosado-, F., and Dounias, E., (2021). Rethinking hierarchies of evidence for sustainable food systems. Nature Food.
- FAO, (2021) (Katic P.G. contributed as a member of the Global Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems) The White/Wiphala Paper on Indigenous Peoples' food systems. Rome.
- Bulungu A.L.S., Palla L, Priebe J, Forsythe L, Katic, P.G., Varley G, Galinda BD, Sarah N, Nambooze J, Wellard K, Ferguson EL (2021). Validation of a life-logging wearable camera method and the 24-h diet recall method for assessing maternal and child dietary diversity. Br J Nutr.;125(11):1299-1309. doi: 10.1017/S0007114520003530. Epub 2020 Sep 11. PMID: 32912365.
- De Pinto, A., Islam, M., and Katic, P.G., Food security under a changing climate: exploring the integration of resilience in research and practice, in Devereux, S., Bene, C. (Eds.) Resilience and food security in a food systems context.
- Qi, J., Katic, P.G., Mukherji, A., Ruhweza, A. and M. Spierenburg, (2020), Food: Rethinking Global Security, in Future Earth. Our Future on Earth 2020, PP. 74-81.
- Grafton, R. Q., ..., Katic, P.G., .... and Wyrwoll, P. (2019). Realizing resilience for decision making, Nature Sustainability, 2, 907-913.
- Katic, P.G. and Ellis, T. (2018). Risk aversion in agricultural water management investments in Northern Ghana: Experimental evidence, Agricultural Economics, 49(5), 575-586.
- Ayantude, A., Katic, P.G., Cofie, O. and Abban, E. (2016). Improving agriculture and food security in the Volta Basin, in Williams, T., Mul, M., Biney, C., Smakhtin, V. (Eds.) The Volta River Basin: Water for Food, Economic Growth and Environment, Abingdon: Routledge.
- Grafton, R. Q., McLindin, M., Hussey, K., Wyrwoll, P., Wichelns, D., Ringler, C., Garrick, D., Pittock, J., Wheeler, S., Orr, S., Matthews, N., Ansink, E., Aureli, A., Connell, D., De Stefano, L., Dowsley, K., Farolfi, S., Hall, J., Katic, P.G., Lankford, B., Leckie, H., McCartney, M., Pohlner, H., Ratna, N., Rubarenzya, M., Raman, S., Wheeler, K. and Williams, J. (2016). Responding to Global Challenges in Food, Energy, Environment and Water: Risks and Options Assessment for Decision‐Making, Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 3(2), 275-299.
- Katic, P.G. and Morris, J. (2016). Targeting investments in small-scale groundwater irrigation using Bayesian networks for a data-scarce river basin in Sub-Saharan Africa, Environmental Modelling & Software, 82, 44-72.
- Katic, P.G. (2015). Groundwater spatial dynamics and endogenous well location. Water Resources Management, 29(1), 181-196.
- Katic, P.G., J. Lautze and Namara, R. (2014). Impacts of Small Built Infrastructure in inland valleys in Burkina Faso and Mali: Rationale for a systems approach that thinks beyond rice? Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 76–78, 83-97.
- Katic P.G. (2014). Improving West African rice production with agricultural water management strategies. in Grafton R., Wyrwoll P., White C., Allendes, D. eds. Global Water: Issues and Insights, Canberra: Australian National University Press, 27-32.
- Katic, P.G., Namara, R.E., Hope, L., Owusu, E. and Fujii, H. (2013). Rice and irrigation in West Africa: achieving food security with agricultural water management strategies. Water Resources and Economics, 1, 75-92.
- Katic, P.G. and R.Q. Grafton. (2012). Economic and spatial modelling of groundwater extraction. Hydrogeology journal, (5), 831-834.
- Katic, P.G. and R.Q. Grafton. (2011). Optimal groundwater extraction under uncertainty: Resilience versus economic payoffs. Journal of Hydrology, 406 (3–4), 215-224.
- Agricultural and environmental/resource economics, particularly in relation to land and water resources.
- Poverty, livelihoods and sustainability.
- Design and evaluation of economic policy instruments.
- Values of nature and economics of biodiversity.
- Impact evaluations of agricultural and water interventions..
- Water governance and water justice.
- Indigenous Peoples’ food systems.
- Knowledge co-production methods; Indigenous and non-Indigenous research partnerships.
- 2022-present Module Leader of “Sustainable Development Research Methods” (MsC. Transformative Change for Sustainable Development, Faculty of Engineering & Science, University of Greenwich).
- 2019-present Module Leader of “Adaptation to Environmental Change” (MsC Global Environmental Change and MsC. Transformative Change for Sustainable Development, Faculty of Engineering & Science, University of Greenwich).
- 2018-present Module Leader of “Water Resources Management” (BsC Environmental Science, Faculty of Engineering & Science, University of Greenwich).
As Principal Investigator:
- 2022 “Synthesis and critical assessment of management tools to mainstream biodiversity in decision-making in the private sector”. Funded by NERC. (£50,342).
- 2019-current “Enhancing value added products and nutritional benefits from agroforestry systems”. Funded by the British Academy. (£49,500).
- 2019-current “Intercultural models to improve nutrition and health of indigenous populations through gender-sensitive agroforestry practices in Peru”. Funded by the Newton Fund. (£ 721,964 GBP).
- 2019-2021 “Diverseafood: Evaluating the potential of multi-trophic aquaculture to improve nutrition and ecosystem sustainability in the UK”. Funded by UKRI’s Global Food Security Programme. (£148,261 GBP).
- 2015-2016 “Giving ‘latecomers’ a head start: Reorienting agricultural water management interventions to improve livelihoods of women and youth”. Funded by the Water, Land and Ecosystems Program (WLE-CGIAR).
- 2014-2015 “Targeting investments in groundwater irrigation”. Funded by the Water, Land and Ecosystems Program (WLE-CGIAR).
- 2012-2013 “Enhancing uptake and socio-economic benefits of shallow groundwater irrigation in the White Volta Basin”. Funded by the CGIAR Challenge Program in Water and Food.
As Co-Investigator:
- 2022-current “Indigenous biocultural landscapes for livelihoods and connectivity in Verapaces, Guatemala”, funded by the Darwin Initiative.
- 2022-current “Transformative change for biodiversity and equity”, funded by Horizon 2020.
- 2018-current “Social and environmental trade-offs in African agriculture” (SENTINEL), funded by GCRF.
- 2019-2021 “Sustainability-Intensification Trade-offs in Coffee Agroforestry in Central America”, funded by GCRF.
- 2018-2019 “Understanding how dynamic relationships among maternal agency, maternal workload and the food environment affect food choices”. Funded by Drivers of Food Choice.
- 2016-2017 “Participatory Planning for More Inclusive and Sustainable Water Management in rural Burkina Faso (PP4MIS)”, funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
- 2015-2016 “Targeting agricultural innovation in the Northern Volta Basin”, funded by the Water, Land and Ecosystems Program (WLE-CGIAR).
- 2015-2016 “Innovation lab for small-scale irrigation (ILSSI)”, funded by USAID (Feed the Future).
- 2013-2016 “Africa Research in sustainable intensification for the next generation Africa (Africa RISING)”, funded by USAID.
- 2013-2014 “Analysis of the economics and impacts of intensive irrigation development projects in West Africa: Lessons for food security policies”, funded by the Howard Buffet Foundation.
- 2022-current European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative: Member of the Executive Committee
- 2020-current Water Justice Hub (https://www.waterjusticehub.org/): Member
- 2019-current FAO’s Global Hub on Indigenous Peoples Food Systems: Member
- 2019-current UK Future Earth National Committee: Member
- 2018-current Future Earth’s Water-Food-Energy Knowledge-Action Network: Vice-Chair of the Steering Committee
- 2015-current Food, Energy, Environment and Water (FE2W) Network: Volta Basin Chair
Dr Pamela Katic has a first degree in Economics from the Universidad de San Andres (Argentina), a Masters in Environmental and Resource Economics and PhD in Economics from the Australian National University. Her PhD thesis was developed under the ANU-UNESCO Chair in Water Economics & Transboundary Water Governance and it entailed applications of optimal groundwater management in the Guarani Aquifer System in South America. In 2011, she joined the West Africa Office of the International Water Management Institute, a CGIAR institution, as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics. In this position and later as a Research Fellow in Economics in the same institution, she gained considerable experience assessing the constraints and opportunities of innovative agricultural investments and policies in developing countries. She joined NRI in August 2017 as a Social Scientist focusing on quantitative socio-economic methods.
Pamela has led and participated in over twenty innovative interdisciplinary research projects and has been active in public forums such as agricultural sector working groups and teams advising the implementation of agricultural, water and food systems research for development programs. Pamela’s research has been translated into high-quality articles in some of the world’s leading water, environmental and economics journals and she has presented her work in a variety of regional and high-profile international conferences. She has also taken an active role in international networks and platforms such as the Food, Water, Energy and Environment network, Future Earth’s Water-Food-Energy Global Project, the Water Justice Hub and the FAO’s Global Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems.
Pamela has field experience in numerous African countries and Latin America. She is fluent in Spanish (mother tongue), English, and speaks some French and Portuguese. She has strong analytical skills in the following methods: econometrics; Bayesian models; cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis; policy analysis matrices, SAM/CGE modelling; hydro-economic modelling; dynamic optimisation; and mathematical programming.
- Katic, P., Cerretelli, S., Haggar, J., Santika, T. and Walsh, C. (2022). Mainstreaming biodiversity in business decisions: taking stock of tools and gaps. Biological Conservation (Revised and resubmitted)
- Jellason, N. P., Robinson, E., Katic, P., Davies, J.E., Devenish, A., Po, J., Martin, A., Adanu, S., Gebrehiwot, T., Teklewold, H., Franks, P. and Adolph, B. (2022). Winners and losers: Exploring the differential impacts of agricultural expansion in Ethiopia and Ghana. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 4, 100176.
- Katic, P.G. (2021). Climate change governance in agroforestry systems: A systematic review. Journal of the British Academy, 9 (11).
- Millbank, C., Burlingame, B., Hunter, D., Brunel, A., Fernandez de Larrimoa, Y., Martinez, T., Katic, P.G., Aboubacrine, M., Roy, P., Rosado-, F., and Dounias, E., (2021). Rethinking hierarchies of evidence for sustainable food systems. Nature Food.
- FAO, (2021) (Katic P.G. contributed as a member of the Global Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems) The White/Wiphala Paper on Indigenous Peoples' food systems. Rome.
- Bulungu A.L.S., Palla L, Priebe J, Forsythe L, Katic, P.G., Varley G, Galinda BD, Sarah N, Nambooze J, Wellard K, Ferguson EL (2021). Validation of a life-logging wearable camera method and the 24-h diet recall method for assessing maternal and child dietary diversity. Br J Nutr.;125(11):1299-1309. doi: 10.1017/S0007114520003530. Epub 2020 Sep 11. PMID: 32912365.
- De Pinto, A., Islam, M., and Katic, P.G., Food security under a changing climate: exploring the integration of resilience in research and practice, in Devereux, S., Bene, C. (Eds.) Resilience and food security in a food systems context.
- Qi, J., Katic, P.G., Mukherji, A., Ruhweza, A. and M. Spierenburg, (2020), Food: Rethinking Global Security, in Future Earth. Our Future on Earth 2020, PP. 74-81.
- Grafton, R. Q., ..., Katic, P.G., .... and Wyrwoll, P. (2019). Realizing resilience for decision making, Nature Sustainability, 2, 907-913.
- Katic, P.G. and Ellis, T. (2018). Risk aversion in agricultural water management investments in Northern Ghana: Experimental evidence, Agricultural Economics, 49(5), 575-586.
- Ayantude, A., Katic, P.G., Cofie, O. and Abban, E. (2016). Improving agriculture and food security in the Volta Basin, in Williams, T., Mul, M., Biney, C., Smakhtin, V. (Eds.) The Volta River Basin: Water for Food, Economic Growth and Environment, Abingdon: Routledge.
- Grafton, R. Q., McLindin, M., Hussey, K., Wyrwoll, P., Wichelns, D., Ringler, C., Garrick, D., Pittock, J., Wheeler, S., Orr, S., Matthews, N., Ansink, E., Aureli, A., Connell, D., De Stefano, L., Dowsley, K., Farolfi, S., Hall, J., Katic, P.G., Lankford, B., Leckie, H., McCartney, M., Pohlner, H., Ratna, N., Rubarenzya, M., Raman, S., Wheeler, K. and Williams, J. (2016). Responding to Global Challenges in Food, Energy, Environment and Water: Risks and Options Assessment for Decision‐Making, Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 3(2), 275-299.
- Katic, P.G. and Morris, J. (2016). Targeting investments in small-scale groundwater irrigation using Bayesian networks for a data-scarce river basin in Sub-Saharan Africa, Environmental Modelling & Software, 82, 44-72.
- Katic, P.G. (2015). Groundwater spatial dynamics and endogenous well location. Water Resources Management, 29(1), 181-196.
- Katic, P.G., J. Lautze and Namara, R. (2014). Impacts of Small Built Infrastructure in inland valleys in Burkina Faso and Mali: Rationale for a systems approach that thinks beyond rice? Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 76–78, 83-97.
- Katic P.G. (2014). Improving West African rice production with agricultural water management strategies. in Grafton R., Wyrwoll P., White C., Allendes, D. eds. Global Water: Issues and Insights, Canberra: Australian National University Press, 27-32.
- Katic, P.G., Namara, R.E., Hope, L., Owusu, E. and Fujii, H. (2013). Rice and irrigation in West Africa: achieving food security with agricultural water management strategies. Water Resources and Economics, 1, 75-92.
- Katic, P.G. and R.Q. Grafton. (2012). Economic and spatial modelling of groundwater extraction. Hydrogeology journal, (5), 831-834.
- Katic, P.G. and R.Q. Grafton. (2011). Optimal groundwater extraction under uncertainty: Resilience versus economic payoffs. Journal of Hydrology, 406 (3–4), 215-224.
- Agricultural and environmental/resource economics, particularly in relation to land and water resources.
- Poverty, livelihoods and sustainability.
- Design and evaluation of economic policy instruments.
- Values of nature and economics of biodiversity.
- Impact evaluations of agricultural and water interventions..
- Water governance and water justice.
- Indigenous Peoples’ food systems.
- Knowledge co-production methods; Indigenous and non-Indigenous research partnerships.
- 2022-present Module Leader of “Sustainable Development Research Methods” (MsC. Transformative Change for Sustainable Development, Faculty of Engineering & Science, University of Greenwich).
- 2019-present Module Leader of “Adaptation to Environmental Change” (MsC Global Environmental Change and MsC. Transformative Change for Sustainable Development, Faculty of Engineering & Science, University of Greenwich).
- 2018-present Module Leader of “Water Resources Management” (BsC Environmental Science, Faculty of Engineering & Science, University of Greenwich).
As Principal Investigator:
- 2022 “Synthesis and critical assessment of management tools to mainstream biodiversity in decision-making in the private sector”. Funded by NERC. (£50,342).
- 2019-current “Enhancing value added products and nutritional benefits from agroforestry systems”. Funded by the British Academy. (£49,500).
- 2019-current “Intercultural models to improve nutrition and health of indigenous populations through gender-sensitive agroforestry practices in Peru”. Funded by the Newton Fund. (£ 721,964 GBP).
- 2019-2021 “Diverseafood: Evaluating the potential of multi-trophic aquaculture to improve nutrition and ecosystem sustainability in the UK”. Funded by UKRI’s Global Food Security Programme. (£148,261 GBP).
- 2015-2016 “Giving ‘latecomers’ a head start: Reorienting agricultural water management interventions to improve livelihoods of women and youth”. Funded by the Water, Land and Ecosystems Program (WLE-CGIAR).
- 2014-2015 “Targeting investments in groundwater irrigation”. Funded by the Water, Land and Ecosystems Program (WLE-CGIAR).
- 2012-2013 “Enhancing uptake and socio-economic benefits of shallow groundwater irrigation in the White Volta Basin”. Funded by the CGIAR Challenge Program in Water and Food.
As Co-Investigator:
- 2022-current “Indigenous biocultural landscapes for livelihoods and connectivity in Verapaces, Guatemala”, funded by the Darwin Initiative.
- 2022-current “Transformative change for biodiversity and equity”, funded by Horizon 2020.
- 2018-current “Social and environmental trade-offs in African agriculture” (SENTINEL), funded by GCRF.
- 2019-2021 “Sustainability-Intensification Trade-offs in Coffee Agroforestry in Central America”, funded by GCRF.
- 2018-2019 “Understanding how dynamic relationships among maternal agency, maternal workload and the food environment affect food choices”. Funded by Drivers of Food Choice.
- 2016-2017 “Participatory Planning for More Inclusive and Sustainable Water Management in rural Burkina Faso (PP4MIS)”, funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
- 2015-2016 “Targeting agricultural innovation in the Northern Volta Basin”, funded by the Water, Land and Ecosystems Program (WLE-CGIAR).
- 2015-2016 “Innovation lab for small-scale irrigation (ILSSI)”, funded by USAID (Feed the Future).
- 2013-2016 “Africa Research in sustainable intensification for the next generation Africa (Africa RISING)”, funded by USAID.
- 2013-2014 “Analysis of the economics and impacts of intensive irrigation development projects in West Africa: Lessons for food security policies”, funded by the Howard Buffet Foundation.
- 2022-current European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative: Member of the Executive Committee
- 2020-current Water Justice Hub (https://www.waterjusticehub.org/): Member
- 2019-current FAO’s Global Hub on Indigenous Peoples Food Systems: Member
- 2019-current UK Future Earth National Committee: Member
- 2018-current Future Earth’s Water-Food-Energy Knowledge-Action Network: Vice-Chair of the Steering Committee
- 2015-current Food, Energy, Environment and Water (FE2W) Network: Volta Basin Chair