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Food loss and waste, including postharvest losses, represent both a major global challenge and an opportunity for improved resource use through value addition. Its importance is recognised in SDG 12, ‘Responsible, Consumption and Production’, which aims to halve per capita food waste at retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains. This also contributes to SDG 2, ‘Zero Hunger’.

We innovate and create impact by minimising waste, maximising quality, and extending the shelf life of fresh produce and processed foods. We work to enhance the value of food products while maintaining environmental and ethical standards. The approach is inclusive and collaborative, fostering partnerships with diverse expertise. We address the positive and potential negative impacts of food loss and waste reduction on the poor and vulnerable, particularly girls and women.

We have developed a range of solutions covering specific points within value chains, including innovative techniques for cooling, handling, grading, sorting, drying, and packaging; food processing and alternative protein-based food for climate smart food innovation. We provide enterprise support for small-scale producers and SMEs for regional agri-food businesses through our food accelerator programme.