J.W.M. (Hanneke) Lam
BSc, MSc
Director – Business Manager, Agrinatura EEIG. Associate Professor in Food & Agricultural Systems Development
Food and Markets Department
+44 (0)1634 88 3291
Hanneke Lam joined the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) at the University of Greenwich in 2010 as agricultural economist.
She is currently on secondment as Director – Business Manager of Agrinatura EEIG, the European Alliance of universities and research centres working on agricultural and nutritional knowledge for development (https://agrinatura-eu.eu/). Agrinatura represents 35 EU institutes across 17 countries (including NRI/UoG), with a common interest in supporting agricultural development in a sustainable manner to improve people’s lives, health and well-being.
Hanneke holds an MSc and BSc in development economics from Wageningen University. Her research and consultancy interests are related to socio-economic and institutional aspects of food systems and agricultural development.
- Agrinatura, The European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development (2020). Agrinatura’s position on the future of global food systems in relation to the EC’s Farm to Fork Strategy.
- Agrinatura, The European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development (2020). Response to European Green Deal Farm-to-Fork Strategy Consultation.
- Lam, H. (2020) DeSIRA-LIFT. Leveraging the DeSIRA initiative for agri-food systems transformations. Proposed support to the EC DG DEVCO and partners in the implementation of the DeSIRA initiative. Presentation given at the European Commission webinar “Launch of the DeSIRA initiative: Development of Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture”, 8 September 2020.
- Lam, H. (2020) Evidence and knowledge sharing for supporting policy processes in the Agrinatura DeSIRA-LIFT project. Presentation given at webinar organised by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and Agrinatura: “Strengthening agricultural innovation systems in the context of sustainable agricultural development and food security”, 1 December 2020
- Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM). Ethiopia Agricultural Risk Assessment Study, full report (2016). Study conducted for the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) by the Natural Resources Institute led by Dr G. Onumah.
- Lam, H. (2016) Business Development Training. Robusta Coffee Development Project, Sierra Leone.
- Lam, H., Onumah, G., Asseldonk, M., and Maître d’Hôtel, E., (2015) FARMAF: Lessons on the importance of integrated farm risk management for smallholder agriculture. FARMAF project policy brief no 1.
- Graffham, A., Fabusoro, E., Lam, H., and Adegoke, A. (2015). Increasing Performance of the Cassava Industry in West and Central Africa Region. Mission Report for visit to Ogun State Nigeria. 21 September – 1 October 2015
- Onumah, G., Coote, C., Forsythe, L., Lam, H., Naziri, D., Orchard, Rees, J., Tran, B., Stathers, T., (2014). Investigation of the role of innovative finance in creating conditions to scale up waste and spoilage reducing technologies in Africa.
- Lam, H. (2014) Support mission rice value chains for BRACE II in Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone, March 2014. Report for the “Building Resilience and Community Engagement” project. Natural Resources Institute, UoG, UK.
- Lam, H. (2013), A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Devil’s Claw Certification, MCA-N Indigenous Natural Products Producer and Processor Organisations Sub-Activity, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK.
- Lam, H. (2013). Technical support on value chain interventions for BRACE II in the Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone. Project Report, Building Resilience and Community Engagement (BRACE) II. Natural Resources Institute, UK.
- Onumah, G.E., Baine, C., Mashauri, S, Lam, H. (2013) Review of current Warehouse Receipts System (WRS) in Tanzania towards proposing recommendations on linkages between the WRS and proposed Tanzania Commodity Exchange.
- Lam, H. and Onumah, G. (2013) Promoting Farm Risk Management to Enhance Financial Inclusion for Smallholder Farmers in Africa. Presentation given at UK Government All Party Parliamentary Group on Agriculture & Food for Development Seminar “Joining the dots: financial inclusion for smallholder farmers”. UK Parliament, London, 27 February 2013
- Lam, H., and Onumah, G. (2013). Farm Risk Management for Africa (FARMAF): Project overview. Presentation at the World Farmers Organisation (WFO) Board Meeting. Caserta, Italy, 28 September 2013
- Lam, H., and Onumah, G. (2013) Innovative market-friendly systems to manage strategic grain reserves. Presentation at UK Department for International Development (DFID) Livelihood Advisers Conference ‘Understanding the Global Food System’, 9 October 2013
- Lam, H., Edewa, A., Kleih, U., (2012) Impact of SPS standards on agri-food trade: a case study of the invasive fruit fly (Bactrocera invadens) in Kenya. Food Chain 2 (1), pp 86-103
- Kleih, U., and Lam, H. (2012). Toolkit to strengthen SPS coordination, assess the impact of SPS notifications and analyse the costs and benefits of control measures.
- Kleih, U, Lam, H. and Edewa, A. (2011). Toolkit for institutional analysis of regional sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) systems. Presentation given at Standard and Trade Development Facility (STDF) Working Group Meeting, World Trade Organisation, Geneva, Switserland. 21 October 2011
- Lam, H. and Vellema, S. (2011) The Eudafano Women’s Cooperative in Namibia: International Value Chain Integration. IChA Working Paper, No. 5 / Partnerships Resource Centre working paper, The Hague, Netherlands.
Agricultural research and education are underpinning the innovations needed to increase production and productivity to provide nutritious food for rapidly expanding populations and help protect the natural resource base for future generations.
Agrinatura’s member organisations are contributing to the development and dissemination of new knowledge that drives innovation. Agrinatura works through strategic partnerships with agricultural research and development organisations and is especially active in sub-Saharan Africa. Agrinatura however recognises the global nature of emerging agricultural issues, which affect Europe as well as other continents. Many of these issues are complex and require multi-sectoral solutions and inter-continental cooperation.
Agrinatura supports the European Green Deal and embraces the Farm to Fork strategy promoting the global transformations in food systems, and building strong knowledge for more resilience and sustainable agriculture.
For further information on Agrinatura, please see http://agrinatura-eu.eu
Some of Agrinatura EEIG’s current projects include:
- VCA4D I and II: social, environmental, economic and structural analyses of 50 agri-food value chains informing EU Delegations and partner countries’ policies and investments to support inclusive development, job creation, and sustainable growth. Contributing ultimately to food/nutrition security and sustainable agriculture.
- Nutrition Research Facility (NRF), providing on-demand nutrition related research, knowledge and evidence to the EC and partners to improve programmes and investments. It contributes to enhancing maternal and child nutrition, reducing the number of stunted children under five by at least 7 million by 2025, in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2.2: To end all forms of malnutrition by 2030.
- EC Food Fortification Advisory Services – Research component (2FAS), a project producing knowledge and evidence to support effective food fortification programmes contributing to global micronutrient deficiency reduction.
- DeSIRA-LIFT: supporting the EC and other stakeholders in the implementation of the DeSIRA programme, fostering innovation through research to contribute to the transformation of agriculture and food systems and SDGs ‘No poverty’, ‘zero hunger’, ‘gender equality’ ‘work and economic growth’ & ‘climate action’.
Hanneke is currently on secondment as Director – Business Manager of Agrinatura EEIG (agrinatura-eu.eu)
- Member of the Development Studies Association (DSA)
Hanneke Lam joined the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) at the University of Greenwich in 2010 as agricultural economist.
She is currently on secondment as Director – Business Manager of Agrinatura EEIG, the European Alliance of universities and research centres working on agricultural and nutritional knowledge for development (https://agrinatura-eu.eu/). Agrinatura represents 35 EU institutes across 17 countries (including NRI/UoG), with a common interest in supporting agricultural development in a sustainable manner to improve people’s lives, health and well-being.
Hanneke holds an MSc and BSc in development economics from Wageningen University. Her research and consultancy interests are related to socio-economic and institutional aspects of food systems and agricultural development.
- Agrinatura, The European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development (2020). Agrinatura’s position on the future of global food systems in relation to the EC’s Farm to Fork Strategy.
- Agrinatura, The European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development (2020). Response to European Green Deal Farm-to-Fork Strategy Consultation.
- Lam, H. (2020) DeSIRA-LIFT. Leveraging the DeSIRA initiative for agri-food systems transformations. Proposed support to the EC DG DEVCO and partners in the implementation of the DeSIRA initiative. Presentation given at the European Commission webinar “Launch of the DeSIRA initiative: Development of Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture”, 8 September 2020.
- Lam, H. (2020) Evidence and knowledge sharing for supporting policy processes in the Agrinatura DeSIRA-LIFT project. Presentation given at webinar organised by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and Agrinatura: “Strengthening agricultural innovation systems in the context of sustainable agricultural development and food security”, 1 December 2020
- Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM). Ethiopia Agricultural Risk Assessment Study, full report (2016). Study conducted for the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) by the Natural Resources Institute led by Dr G. Onumah.
- Lam, H. (2016) Business Development Training. Robusta Coffee Development Project, Sierra Leone.
- Lam, H., Onumah, G., Asseldonk, M., and Maître d’Hôtel, E., (2015) FARMAF: Lessons on the importance of integrated farm risk management for smallholder agriculture. FARMAF project policy brief no 1.
- Graffham, A., Fabusoro, E., Lam, H., and Adegoke, A. (2015). Increasing Performance of the Cassava Industry in West and Central Africa Region. Mission Report for visit to Ogun State Nigeria. 21 September – 1 October 2015
- Onumah, G., Coote, C., Forsythe, L., Lam, H., Naziri, D., Orchard, Rees, J., Tran, B., Stathers, T., (2014). Investigation of the role of innovative finance in creating conditions to scale up waste and spoilage reducing technologies in Africa.
- Lam, H. (2014) Support mission rice value chains for BRACE II in Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone, March 2014. Report for the “Building Resilience and Community Engagement” project. Natural Resources Institute, UoG, UK.
- Lam, H. (2013), A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Devil’s Claw Certification, MCA-N Indigenous Natural Products Producer and Processor Organisations Sub-Activity, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK.
- Lam, H. (2013). Technical support on value chain interventions for BRACE II in the Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone. Project Report, Building Resilience and Community Engagement (BRACE) II. Natural Resources Institute, UK.
- Onumah, G.E., Baine, C., Mashauri, S, Lam, H. (2013) Review of current Warehouse Receipts System (WRS) in Tanzania towards proposing recommendations on linkages between the WRS and proposed Tanzania Commodity Exchange.
- Lam, H. and Onumah, G. (2013) Promoting Farm Risk Management to Enhance Financial Inclusion for Smallholder Farmers in Africa. Presentation given at UK Government All Party Parliamentary Group on Agriculture & Food for Development Seminar “Joining the dots: financial inclusion for smallholder farmers”. UK Parliament, London, 27 February 2013
- Lam, H., and Onumah, G. (2013). Farm Risk Management for Africa (FARMAF): Project overview. Presentation at the World Farmers Organisation (WFO) Board Meeting. Caserta, Italy, 28 September 2013
- Lam, H., and Onumah, G. (2013) Innovative market-friendly systems to manage strategic grain reserves. Presentation at UK Department for International Development (DFID) Livelihood Advisers Conference ‘Understanding the Global Food System’, 9 October 2013
- Lam, H., Edewa, A., Kleih, U., (2012) Impact of SPS standards on agri-food trade: a case study of the invasive fruit fly (Bactrocera invadens) in Kenya. Food Chain 2 (1), pp 86-103
- Kleih, U., and Lam, H. (2012). Toolkit to strengthen SPS coordination, assess the impact of SPS notifications and analyse the costs and benefits of control measures.
- Kleih, U, Lam, H. and Edewa, A. (2011). Toolkit for institutional analysis of regional sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) systems. Presentation given at Standard and Trade Development Facility (STDF) Working Group Meeting, World Trade Organisation, Geneva, Switserland. 21 October 2011
- Lam, H. and Vellema, S. (2011) The Eudafano Women’s Cooperative in Namibia: International Value Chain Integration. IChA Working Paper, No. 5 / Partnerships Resource Centre working paper, The Hague, Netherlands.
Agricultural research and education are underpinning the innovations needed to increase production and productivity to provide nutritious food for rapidly expanding populations and help protect the natural resource base for future generations.
Agrinatura’s member organisations are contributing to the development and dissemination of new knowledge that drives innovation. Agrinatura works through strategic partnerships with agricultural research and development organisations and is especially active in sub-Saharan Africa. Agrinatura however recognises the global nature of emerging agricultural issues, which affect Europe as well as other continents. Many of these issues are complex and require multi-sectoral solutions and inter-continental cooperation.
Agrinatura supports the European Green Deal and embraces the Farm to Fork strategy promoting the global transformations in food systems, and building strong knowledge for more resilience and sustainable agriculture.
For further information on Agrinatura, please see http://agrinatura-eu.eu
Some of Agrinatura EEIG’s current projects include:
- VCA4D I and II: social, environmental, economic and structural analyses of 50 agri-food value chains informing EU Delegations and partner countries’ policies and investments to support inclusive development, job creation, and sustainable growth. Contributing ultimately to food/nutrition security and sustainable agriculture.
- Nutrition Research Facility (NRF), providing on-demand nutrition related research, knowledge and evidence to the EC and partners to improve programmes and investments. It contributes to enhancing maternal and child nutrition, reducing the number of stunted children under five by at least 7 million by 2025, in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2.2: To end all forms of malnutrition by 2030.
- EC Food Fortification Advisory Services – Research component (2FAS), a project producing knowledge and evidence to support effective food fortification programmes contributing to global micronutrient deficiency reduction.
- DeSIRA-LIFT: supporting the EC and other stakeholders in the implementation of the DeSIRA programme, fostering innovation through research to contribute to the transformation of agriculture and food systems and SDGs ‘No poverty’, ‘zero hunger’, ‘gender equality’ ‘work and economic growth’ & ‘climate action’.
Hanneke is currently on secondment as Director – Business Manager of Agrinatura EEIG (agrinatura-eu.eu)
- Member of the Development Studies Association (DSA)