Professor Adrienne Martin
Director of Programme Development, Professor of Development Studies, Social and Institutional Development Specialist
+44 (0)1634 88 3055
Adrienne joined the Natural Resources Institute in 1990. She has designed and undertaken research projects on the social and institutional aspects of agricultural development and natural resource management in rural and urban locations, completed numerous consultancy assignments including project feasibility studies and evaluations; advised on the social and institutional dimensions of agricultural development and supported the training and capacity building of rural development and agricultural specialists. Prior to her current role, she was head of the Livelihoods and Institutions Group at NRI (2001-2010) responsible for the professional and business management of the group; leader of the People, Natural Resources and Livelihoods Programme (2008-2001) and head of the Social Development Group (1993-2008). Before joining NRI she worked as a freelance consultant and researcher, including work in drought affected areas of Kenya and Sudan. From 1977-1980 she worked in the Farming Systems Programme of the International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), Syria, conducting studies of smallholder crop and livestock systems to support the research programmes. Prior to this she undertook intensive socio-economic studies for rural development planning in Darfur, Sudan (1975-1976) after 2 years as a volunteer teacher in Sudan (1972-1974).
Her work has covered a wide range of countries, topics and clients. She has worked on DFID (now FCDO) and formerly ODA funded projects; for the EC, and for non-government organisations. Overseas partners have included Ministries of Agriculture, research institutes, local NGOs and private enterprises.
Adrienne has long term overseas experience in Sudan and Syria and professional experience in over 30 other countries in Africa, Asia and South America.
Adrienne supervises several PhD students researching livelihood related topics (e.g. post Tsumani livelihood recovery in Indonesia; Determinants of Effective Functioning of Partnerships for Innovation among Agricultural Service Providers in Uganda; Migration and rural livelihoods in Nigeria; Impact of staple crop value chain development on the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Nigeria and Malawi; Water and livelihoods in Accra, Ghana).
- Rejesus RM, Martin AM, Gypmantasiri. (2013). Meta-impact assessment of the Irrigated Rice Research Consortium. Special IRRI Report. Los Baños (Philippines): International Rice Research Institute. 174 p http://books.irri.org/9789712202971_content.pdf
- Nelson, Valerie, Anne Tallontire, Maggie Opondo and Adrienne Martin (2013) Pathways of Transformation or Transgression? Power Relations, Ethical Space and Labour Rights in Kenyan Cut Flower Value Chains, in Goodman, M., Sage, C., (Eds.), 2013. Food transgressions: Making sense of contemporary food politics. Aldershot, Ashgate.
- Posthumus, Helena, Martin, Adrienne and Chancellor, Timothy (2013) A systematic review on the impacts of capacity strengthening of agricultural research systems for development and the conditions of success. Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre), Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK. ISBN 9781907345463
- Nelson, Valerie and Martin, Adrienne (2012) The impact of Fairtrade: Evidence, shaping factors, and future pathways. Food Chain, 2 (1). pp. 42-63. ISSN 2046-1879 (Print), 2046-1887 (Online) (doi:10.3362/2046-1887.2012.005)
- Martin, Adrienne and Nelson, Valerie (2012) Impact assessment policies and practices of EIARD members: study. Technical Report. AGRINATURA-EEIG Secretariat, Paris, France.
- Martin, Adrienne, Gundel, Sabine, Apenteng, Essie and Pound, Barry (2011) Review of literature on evaluation methods relevant to extension. Other. GFRAS – Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services , Agridea Eschikon 28 8315 Lindau Switzerland.
- Anwana, E.D., Cheke, R.A., Martin, A.M., Obireke, L., Asei, M., Otufu, P. and Otobotekere, D. (2010) The crocodile is our brother: sacred lakes of the Niger Delta, implications for conservation management. In: Sacred Natural Sites: Conserving Nature and Culture. Earthscan / International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), London / Washington, DC, pp. 129-138. ISBN 9781849711661
- Sanginga, Pascal C., Abenakyo, Annet, Kamugisha, Rick, Martin, Adrienne M. and Muzira, Robert (2010) Tracking outcomes of social capital and institutional innovations in natural resources management: Methodological issues and empirical evidence from participatory bylaw reform in Uganda. Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, 23 (8). pp. 711-725. ISSN 0894-1920 (Print), 1521-0723 (Online) (doi:10.1080/08941920802192207)
- Leakey, Roger, Kranjac-Berisavljevic, Gordana, Caron, Patrick, Craufurd, Peter, Martin, Adrienne, McDonald, Andy, Abedini, Walter, Afiff, Suraya, Bakurin, Ndey, Bass, Steve, Hilbeck, Angelika, Jansen, Tony, Lhaloui, Saadia, Lock, Karen, Newman, James, Primavesi, Odo and Sengooba, Teresa (2009) Impacts of AKST on development and sustainability goals. In: Agriculture at a Crossroads: International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development. Global Report. Island Press / The Center for Resource Economics, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 145-253. ISBN 9781597265393
- Martin, Adrienne (2009) So what difference does it make? Assessing the outcomes and impacts of farmer participatory research. In: Farmer first revisited: farmer-led innovation for agricultural research and development. Practical Action Publishing Ltd., Rugby, UK, pp. 276-281. ISBN 978-1-85339-682-3 (pbk)
- Tallontire, Anne, Opondo, Maggie, Nelson, Valerie and Martin, Adrienne (2011) Beyond the vertical? Using value chains and governance as a framework to analyse private standards initiatives in agri-food chains. Agriculture and Human Values, 28 (3). pp. 427-441. ISSN 0889-048X (Print), 1572-8366 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s10460-009-9237-2)
- Martin, A.M., Verhagen J. and Abatania, L. (2008). Urban Agriculture and Social Inclusion, Urban Agriculture Magazine, 20: 17-19. September 2008.
- Nelson, Valerie, Adrienne Martin and Deirdre Casella, (2008) An Introduction to Social Inclusion: SWITCH: Social Inclusion Briefing Note 1. http://www.switchtraining.eu/fileadmin/template/projects/switch_training/db/event_upload_folder/43/Social_Inclusion_Briefing_Note.pdf
- Nelson, Valerie, Adrienne Martin and Aissétou Dramé Yayé (2008), Gender and diversity in sustainable agricultural research and innovation: issues, challenges and the way forward. In, FARA, SCARDA (Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Research and Development in Africa) Briefing Papers, Volume 3, pp33-45, Accra, Ghana. http://www.dfid.gov.uk/r4d/PDF/Outputs/Scarda/scarda_vol_3__16_april_2008.pdf
- Nelson, Valerie, Martin, Adrienne and Ewert, Joachim (2007) The impacts of codes of practice on worker livelihoods: empirical evidence from the South African wine and Kenyan cut flower industries. Journal of Corporate Citizenship (28). pp. 61-72. ISSN 1470-5001
- Sanginga, Pascal C., Kamugisha, Rick and Martin, Adrienne (2007) The dynamics of social capital and conflict management in multiple resource regimes: a case of the Southwestern Highlands of Uganda. Ecology and Society, 12 (1). ISSN 1708-3087
- Pound, Barry, Adrienne Martin, Abdul Gadr, and Abdul Wahed Mukred (2006). 'Departure of the Devil'; Landmines and Livelihoods in Yemen. Vol 1, Main Report. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining. http://www.gichd.org/fileadmin/pdf/publications/Evaluation-Yemen-Nov2006.pdf
- Nelson, Valerie, Adrienne Martin, Joachim Ewert, (2005). What difference can they make? Assessing the social impact of corporate codes of practice. Development in Practice, vol 15, 3&4, June 2005, pp539-545.
- Adrienne Martin and Alistair Sutherland, (2003), Whose Research, Whose Agenda? Chapter 3 in Pound, B., Snapp, S.S., McDougall, C. and Braun, A. (Editors) Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Livelihoods - Uniting Science and Participation, Earthscan Publications and IDRC.
- Nicoliene Oudwater and Adrienne Martin (2003), Methods and issues in exploring local knowledge of soils. Geoderma 111/3-4 pp387-401
- R. W. Payton, J. J. F. Barr, A. Martin, P. Sillitoe, J. F. Deckers, J. W. Gowing, N. Hatibu, S. B. Naseem, M. Tenywa and M. I. Zuberi (2003) Contrasting approaches to integrating indigenous knowledge about soils and scientific soil survey in East Africa and Bangladesh, Geoderma 111/3-4 pp 355-386
- Martin, Adrienne and Kerry Albright (2003), Integrated pest management - gender sensitive and participatory approaches to IPM, in M Jacobs & B. Dinham eds., 'Silent Invaders: pesticides, livelihoods and women's health', Zed Books. pp 280-291.
- Magnus Macfarlane, Anne Tallontire, Adrienne Martin (2003), Towards an Ethical Jewellery Business. Report for CRED Foundation. http://www.nri.org/NRET/ethicaljewellery.pdf
- Nelson, Valerie, Kate Meadows, Terry Cannon, John Morton and Adrienne Martin (2002) Uncertain predictions, invisible impact and the need to mainstream gender in climate change adaptations, in Gender and Development Vol 10, no.2 July.pp51-59.
- Sutherland, Alistair, Adrienne Martin, David Rider Smith (2001) Dimensions of Participation. Experiences, Lessons and Tips from Agricultural Research Practitioners in Sub Saharan Africa. Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute. ISBN 0 85954 539 3
- Biggs, Stephen, Harriet Matsaert and Adrienne Martin, (2001), Changing Natural Resources Research and Development Capability: Wither Social Capital? In Roger Jeffery and Bhaskar Vira eds. Conflict and Co-operation in Participatory Natural Resource Management, Palgrave, UK pp 204-225 ISBN 0-333-79483-4
- Quan, J., Oudwater, N., Pender, J., and Martin, A. (2001), GIS and Participatory Approaches in Natural Resources Research. Socio-economic Methodologies for Natural Resources Research. Best Practice guidelines. Chatham, UK, Natural Resources Institute.
- Warburton, Hilary and Adrienne Martin 1999, Local People's Knowledge: Its contribution to Natural Resource Research and Development, in Grant, I.F. and Sear C. (eds) Decision tools for Sustainable Development. Chatham. UK: Natural Resources Institute, pp66-96
- Sutherland, Alistair and Adrienne Martin 1999, Institutionalising Farmer Participatory Research – Key Decisions Based on Lessons from Projects in Africa, in Grant, I.F. and Sear C. (eds) Decision tools for Sustainable Development. Chatham. UK: Natural Resources Institute, pp46-65
- Conroy, Czech, Alistair Sutherland and Adrienne Martin 1999, Conducting Farmer participatory Research: What, When and How, in Grant, I.F. and Sear C. (eds) Decision tools for Sustainable Development. Chatham. UK: Natural Resources Institute, pp12-45
- Sutherland, A, Adrienne Martin & Jon Salmon 1998, Recent experiences with Participatory Technology Development in Africa: Practitioners' review, Natural Resource Perspectives, no 25, January 1998. ODI London.
- Goldey, P, Le Breton, S, Martin A, Marcus, R, 1997 Approaches to address gender specific needs in relation to access to technological change. Agricultural Systems Vol 55, No 2, October 1997, pp 155-172.
- Martin, A and Sherington, J. 1997 Participatory research methods - Implementation, effectiveness and institutional context. Agricultural Systems Vol 55, No 2, October 1997, pp 195-216
- Otim-Nape G.W., A. Bua, J.M. Thresh, Y. Baguma, S. Ogwal, G.N. Ssemakula, G. Acola, Byabakama and A. Martin, 1997. Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease in Uganda: The Current Pandemic and Approaches to Control. Chatham, UK, NRI. 65pp
- Thomson, E.F., F. Bahhady & A. Martin, 1989, Sheep husbandry at the cultivated margin of the North West Syrian Steppe. ICARDA-029.
- Farrington, J. and A.M. Martin, 1988 Farmer Participatory Research: A review of concepts and recent fieldwork. Agricultural Administration and Extension, Vol. 29 (4) pp. 247-264.
Main research interests and expertise
- Design and implementation of monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment of rural development, agricultural and trade and standards projects and programmes.
- Gender and diversity analysis; gender analysis in value chains
- Institutional analysis and capacity building.
- Methodologies, training and capacity building for analysis of rural and urban livelihoods
- Household strategies for food security and income generation
- Agricultural policy and development of multi stakeholder approaches within national agricultural research and innovation systems
- Community based natural resource management
- FCDO (formerly DFID) 2009-2012 Assessing the Impact and Governance of Sustainability Certification and Labelling Schemes focussing on the impact on smallholders and workers of Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance certified tea and cocoa in Kenya, India, Ghana and Ecuador. Overall methodological support (design, sampling, baselines, questionnaire design and analysis) for the project
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 2008-2013, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi. Cassava: Adding Value for Africa (C:AVA) project. Coordinator of Monitoring & Evaluation and Gender analysis and learning. Development of programme level M&E and impact assessment methodology, including country specific frameworks and indicators and design of baseline studies and monitoring formats. Design of gender and diversity analysis methodology and implementation of gender studies in cassava value chains.
- ESRC 2007-2010. Kenya. Governance implications of private standards initiatives in agri-food chains. Examination of the role and effects of private standards initiatives on their evolution and on key actors in the value chain. Contributed to stakeholder workshops with government, NGO and private sector groups.
- FCDO (formerly DFID) 2007-2011 Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Research and Development in Africa'. SCARDA. Development of the programme gender strategy and advice on M&E. Contribution to the methodology for institutional analysis and facilitation of the institutional analysis of the Crops Research Institute. In Ghana, facilitated the institutional analysis of the Crops Research Institute, CSIR, the Ghanaian focal institution for the programme to identify capacity strengthening needs and an agenda for organisational change. Conducted participatory workshops and interviews and stakeholder consultations to identify capacity strengthening needs.
- EC FP6 2006 – 2011 Ghana and Egypt. 'Sustainable Water management Improves Tomorrow's Cities' Health' (SWITCH). Establishing a new paradigm for integrated urban water management, using a 'learning alliance' approach. Management of NRI inputs to governance, learning alliance, social inclusion and urban agriculture research areas. Design and implementation of social inclusion and urban agriculture training for project teams and research conducted at demonstration sites in Accra and Alexandria.
- 2008-2013: Management of the Monitoring, Evaluation, gender and communication components of the project Cassava: Adding Value for Africa (C:AVA) which is developing cassava value chains in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Malawi. Responsible for design and management of project's M&E and learning, gender analysis and communications, including impact assessment methodology, country frameworks and baseline studies (for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).
As NRI's Director of Programme Development, responsible for leading the development, winning and management of major programmes of work of strategic importance.
- A lead author in Chapter 3 of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), Global Report. 2009.
- Member of the Editorial Board of Experimental Agriculture since 2002
- Social Development advisor on FCDO RNRRS, Crop Protection Research Programme Advisory Committee (1995-2006);
- Social Science advisor to the Natural Resources Systems Programme, Socio-economic methodologies component research (1996-1999).
- 1990-95 Trustee of Intermediate Technology Development Group now known as Practical Action.
Adrienne joined the Natural Resources Institute in 1990. She has designed and undertaken research projects on the social and institutional aspects of agricultural development and natural resource management in rural and urban locations, completed numerous consultancy assignments including project feasibility studies and evaluations; advised on the social and institutional dimensions of agricultural development and supported the training and capacity building of rural development and agricultural specialists. Prior to her current role, she was head of the Livelihoods and Institutions Group at NRI (2001-2010) responsible for the professional and business management of the group; leader of the People, Natural Resources and Livelihoods Programme (2008-2001) and head of the Social Development Group (1993-2008). Before joining NRI she worked as a freelance consultant and researcher, including work in drought affected areas of Kenya and Sudan. From 1977-1980 she worked in the Farming Systems Programme of the International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), Syria, conducting studies of smallholder crop and livestock systems to support the research programmes. Prior to this she undertook intensive socio-economic studies for rural development planning in Darfur, Sudan (1975-1976) after 2 years as a volunteer teacher in Sudan (1972-1974).
Her work has covered a wide range of countries, topics and clients. She has worked on DFID (now FCDO) and formerly ODA funded projects; for the EC, and for non-government organisations. Overseas partners have included Ministries of Agriculture, research institutes, local NGOs and private enterprises.
Adrienne has long term overseas experience in Sudan and Syria and professional experience in over 30 other countries in Africa, Asia and South America.
Adrienne supervises several PhD students researching livelihood related topics (e.g. post Tsumani livelihood recovery in Indonesia; Determinants of Effective Functioning of Partnerships for Innovation among Agricultural Service Providers in Uganda; Migration and rural livelihoods in Nigeria; Impact of staple crop value chain development on the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Nigeria and Malawi; Water and livelihoods in Accra, Ghana).
- Rejesus RM, Martin AM, Gypmantasiri. (2013). Meta-impact assessment of the Irrigated Rice Research Consortium. Special IRRI Report. Los Baños (Philippines): International Rice Research Institute. 174 p http://books.irri.org/9789712202971_content.pdf
- Nelson, Valerie, Anne Tallontire, Maggie Opondo and Adrienne Martin (2013) Pathways of Transformation or Transgression? Power Relations, Ethical Space and Labour Rights in Kenyan Cut Flower Value Chains, in Goodman, M., Sage, C., (Eds.), 2013. Food transgressions: Making sense of contemporary food politics. Aldershot, Ashgate.
- Posthumus, Helena, Martin, Adrienne and Chancellor, Timothy (2013) A systematic review on the impacts of capacity strengthening of agricultural research systems for development and the conditions of success. Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre), Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK. ISBN 9781907345463
- Nelson, Valerie and Martin, Adrienne (2012) The impact of Fairtrade: Evidence, shaping factors, and future pathways. Food Chain, 2 (1). pp. 42-63. ISSN 2046-1879 (Print), 2046-1887 (Online) (doi:10.3362/2046-1887.2012.005)
- Martin, Adrienne and Nelson, Valerie (2012) Impact assessment policies and practices of EIARD members: study. Technical Report. AGRINATURA-EEIG Secretariat, Paris, France.
- Martin, Adrienne, Gundel, Sabine, Apenteng, Essie and Pound, Barry (2011) Review of literature on evaluation methods relevant to extension. Other. GFRAS – Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services , Agridea Eschikon 28 8315 Lindau Switzerland.
- Anwana, E.D., Cheke, R.A., Martin, A.M., Obireke, L., Asei, M., Otufu, P. and Otobotekere, D. (2010) The crocodile is our brother: sacred lakes of the Niger Delta, implications for conservation management. In: Sacred Natural Sites: Conserving Nature and Culture. Earthscan / International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), London / Washington, DC, pp. 129-138. ISBN 9781849711661
- Sanginga, Pascal C., Abenakyo, Annet, Kamugisha, Rick, Martin, Adrienne M. and Muzira, Robert (2010) Tracking outcomes of social capital and institutional innovations in natural resources management: Methodological issues and empirical evidence from participatory bylaw reform in Uganda. Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, 23 (8). pp. 711-725. ISSN 0894-1920 (Print), 1521-0723 (Online) (doi:10.1080/08941920802192207)
- Leakey, Roger, Kranjac-Berisavljevic, Gordana, Caron, Patrick, Craufurd, Peter, Martin, Adrienne, McDonald, Andy, Abedini, Walter, Afiff, Suraya, Bakurin, Ndey, Bass, Steve, Hilbeck, Angelika, Jansen, Tony, Lhaloui, Saadia, Lock, Karen, Newman, James, Primavesi, Odo and Sengooba, Teresa (2009) Impacts of AKST on development and sustainability goals. In: Agriculture at a Crossroads: International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development. Global Report. Island Press / The Center for Resource Economics, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 145-253. ISBN 9781597265393
- Martin, Adrienne (2009) So what difference does it make? Assessing the outcomes and impacts of farmer participatory research. In: Farmer first revisited: farmer-led innovation for agricultural research and development. Practical Action Publishing Ltd., Rugby, UK, pp. 276-281. ISBN 978-1-85339-682-3 (pbk)
- Tallontire, Anne, Opondo, Maggie, Nelson, Valerie and Martin, Adrienne (2011) Beyond the vertical? Using value chains and governance as a framework to analyse private standards initiatives in agri-food chains. Agriculture and Human Values, 28 (3). pp. 427-441. ISSN 0889-048X (Print), 1572-8366 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s10460-009-9237-2)
- Martin, A.M., Verhagen J. and Abatania, L. (2008). Urban Agriculture and Social Inclusion, Urban Agriculture Magazine, 20: 17-19. September 2008.
- Nelson, Valerie, Adrienne Martin and Deirdre Casella, (2008) An Introduction to Social Inclusion: SWITCH: Social Inclusion Briefing Note 1. http://www.switchtraining.eu/fileadmin/template/projects/switch_training/db/event_upload_folder/43/Social_Inclusion_Briefing_Note.pdf
- Nelson, Valerie, Adrienne Martin and Aissétou Dramé Yayé (2008), Gender and diversity in sustainable agricultural research and innovation: issues, challenges and the way forward. In, FARA, SCARDA (Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Research and Development in Africa) Briefing Papers, Volume 3, pp33-45, Accra, Ghana. http://www.dfid.gov.uk/r4d/PDF/Outputs/Scarda/scarda_vol_3__16_april_2008.pdf
- Nelson, Valerie, Martin, Adrienne and Ewert, Joachim (2007) The impacts of codes of practice on worker livelihoods: empirical evidence from the South African wine and Kenyan cut flower industries. Journal of Corporate Citizenship (28). pp. 61-72. ISSN 1470-5001
- Sanginga, Pascal C., Kamugisha, Rick and Martin, Adrienne (2007) The dynamics of social capital and conflict management in multiple resource regimes: a case of the Southwestern Highlands of Uganda. Ecology and Society, 12 (1). ISSN 1708-3087
- Pound, Barry, Adrienne Martin, Abdul Gadr, and Abdul Wahed Mukred (2006). 'Departure of the Devil'; Landmines and Livelihoods in Yemen. Vol 1, Main Report. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining. http://www.gichd.org/fileadmin/pdf/publications/Evaluation-Yemen-Nov2006.pdf
- Nelson, Valerie, Adrienne Martin, Joachim Ewert, (2005). What difference can they make? Assessing the social impact of corporate codes of practice. Development in Practice, vol 15, 3&4, June 2005, pp539-545.
- Adrienne Martin and Alistair Sutherland, (2003), Whose Research, Whose Agenda? Chapter 3 in Pound, B., Snapp, S.S., McDougall, C. and Braun, A. (Editors) Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Livelihoods - Uniting Science and Participation, Earthscan Publications and IDRC.
- Nicoliene Oudwater and Adrienne Martin (2003), Methods and issues in exploring local knowledge of soils. Geoderma 111/3-4 pp387-401
- R. W. Payton, J. J. F. Barr, A. Martin, P. Sillitoe, J. F. Deckers, J. W. Gowing, N. Hatibu, S. B. Naseem, M. Tenywa and M. I. Zuberi (2003) Contrasting approaches to integrating indigenous knowledge about soils and scientific soil survey in East Africa and Bangladesh, Geoderma 111/3-4 pp 355-386
- Martin, Adrienne and Kerry Albright (2003), Integrated pest management - gender sensitive and participatory approaches to IPM, in M Jacobs & B. Dinham eds., 'Silent Invaders: pesticides, livelihoods and women's health', Zed Books. pp 280-291.
- Magnus Macfarlane, Anne Tallontire, Adrienne Martin (2003), Towards an Ethical Jewellery Business. Report for CRED Foundation. http://www.nri.org/NRET/ethicaljewellery.pdf
- Nelson, Valerie, Kate Meadows, Terry Cannon, John Morton and Adrienne Martin (2002) Uncertain predictions, invisible impact and the need to mainstream gender in climate change adaptations, in Gender and Development Vol 10, no.2 July.pp51-59.
- Sutherland, Alistair, Adrienne Martin, David Rider Smith (2001) Dimensions of Participation. Experiences, Lessons and Tips from Agricultural Research Practitioners in Sub Saharan Africa. Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute. ISBN 0 85954 539 3
- Biggs, Stephen, Harriet Matsaert and Adrienne Martin, (2001), Changing Natural Resources Research and Development Capability: Wither Social Capital? In Roger Jeffery and Bhaskar Vira eds. Conflict and Co-operation in Participatory Natural Resource Management, Palgrave, UK pp 204-225 ISBN 0-333-79483-4
- Quan, J., Oudwater, N., Pender, J., and Martin, A. (2001), GIS and Participatory Approaches in Natural Resources Research. Socio-economic Methodologies for Natural Resources Research. Best Practice guidelines. Chatham, UK, Natural Resources Institute.
- Warburton, Hilary and Adrienne Martin 1999, Local People's Knowledge: Its contribution to Natural Resource Research and Development, in Grant, I.F. and Sear C. (eds) Decision tools for Sustainable Development. Chatham. UK: Natural Resources Institute, pp66-96
- Sutherland, Alistair and Adrienne Martin 1999, Institutionalising Farmer Participatory Research – Key Decisions Based on Lessons from Projects in Africa, in Grant, I.F. and Sear C. (eds) Decision tools for Sustainable Development. Chatham. UK: Natural Resources Institute, pp46-65
- Conroy, Czech, Alistair Sutherland and Adrienne Martin 1999, Conducting Farmer participatory Research: What, When and How, in Grant, I.F. and Sear C. (eds) Decision tools for Sustainable Development. Chatham. UK: Natural Resources Institute, pp12-45
- Sutherland, A, Adrienne Martin & Jon Salmon 1998, Recent experiences with Participatory Technology Development in Africa: Practitioners' review, Natural Resource Perspectives, no 25, January 1998. ODI London.
- Goldey, P, Le Breton, S, Martin A, Marcus, R, 1997 Approaches to address gender specific needs in relation to access to technological change. Agricultural Systems Vol 55, No 2, October 1997, pp 155-172.
- Martin, A and Sherington, J. 1997 Participatory research methods - Implementation, effectiveness and institutional context. Agricultural Systems Vol 55, No 2, October 1997, pp 195-216
- Otim-Nape G.W., A. Bua, J.M. Thresh, Y. Baguma, S. Ogwal, G.N. Ssemakula, G. Acola, Byabakama and A. Martin, 1997. Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease in Uganda: The Current Pandemic and Approaches to Control. Chatham, UK, NRI. 65pp
- Thomson, E.F., F. Bahhady & A. Martin, 1989, Sheep husbandry at the cultivated margin of the North West Syrian Steppe. ICARDA-029.
- Farrington, J. and A.M. Martin, 1988 Farmer Participatory Research: A review of concepts and recent fieldwork. Agricultural Administration and Extension, Vol. 29 (4) pp. 247-264.
Main research interests and expertise
- Design and implementation of monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment of rural development, agricultural and trade and standards projects and programmes.
- Gender and diversity analysis; gender analysis in value chains
- Institutional analysis and capacity building.
- Methodologies, training and capacity building for analysis of rural and urban livelihoods
- Household strategies for food security and income generation
- Agricultural policy and development of multi stakeholder approaches within national agricultural research and innovation systems
- Community based natural resource management
- FCDO (formerly DFID) 2009-2012 Assessing the Impact and Governance of Sustainability Certification and Labelling Schemes focussing on the impact on smallholders and workers of Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance certified tea and cocoa in Kenya, India, Ghana and Ecuador. Overall methodological support (design, sampling, baselines, questionnaire design and analysis) for the project
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 2008-2013, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi. Cassava: Adding Value for Africa (C:AVA) project. Coordinator of Monitoring & Evaluation and Gender analysis and learning. Development of programme level M&E and impact assessment methodology, including country specific frameworks and indicators and design of baseline studies and monitoring formats. Design of gender and diversity analysis methodology and implementation of gender studies in cassava value chains.
- ESRC 2007-2010. Kenya. Governance implications of private standards initiatives in agri-food chains. Examination of the role and effects of private standards initiatives on their evolution and on key actors in the value chain. Contributed to stakeholder workshops with government, NGO and private sector groups.
- FCDO (formerly DFID) 2007-2011 Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Research and Development in Africa'. SCARDA. Development of the programme gender strategy and advice on M&E. Contribution to the methodology for institutional analysis and facilitation of the institutional analysis of the Crops Research Institute. In Ghana, facilitated the institutional analysis of the Crops Research Institute, CSIR, the Ghanaian focal institution for the programme to identify capacity strengthening needs and an agenda for organisational change. Conducted participatory workshops and interviews and stakeholder consultations to identify capacity strengthening needs.
- EC FP6 2006 – 2011 Ghana and Egypt. 'Sustainable Water management Improves Tomorrow's Cities' Health' (SWITCH). Establishing a new paradigm for integrated urban water management, using a 'learning alliance' approach. Management of NRI inputs to governance, learning alliance, social inclusion and urban agriculture research areas. Design and implementation of social inclusion and urban agriculture training for project teams and research conducted at demonstration sites in Accra and Alexandria.
- 2008-2013: Management of the Monitoring, Evaluation, gender and communication components of the project Cassava: Adding Value for Africa (C:AVA) which is developing cassava value chains in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Malawi. Responsible for design and management of project's M&E and learning, gender analysis and communications, including impact assessment methodology, country frameworks and baseline studies (for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).
As NRI's Director of Programme Development, responsible for leading the development, winning and management of major programmes of work of strategic importance.
- A lead author in Chapter 3 of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), Global Report. 2009.
- Member of the Editorial Board of Experimental Agriculture since 2002
- Social Development advisor on FCDO RNRRS, Crop Protection Research Programme Advisory Committee (1995-2006);
- Social Science advisor to the Natural Resources Systems Programme, Socio-economic methodologies component research (1996-1999).
- 1990-95 Trustee of Intermediate Technology Development Group now known as Practical Action.