Dr Diego Naziri
Advanced University Degree (BSc/MSc), PhD
Associate Professor of Agri-food Systems Innovation
Food and Markets Department
+44 (0)1634 88 3069
Dr Diego Naziri joined the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University of Greenwich in November 2010 as Market and Trade Economist. Before joining NRI he was Postdoc Fellow at the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and at the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). Between 2006 and 2008 he was Research Fellow at the Agronomic Institute for the Overseas (IAO), the former technical-scientific branch of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for agriculture and rural development cooperation. Diego has more than 15 years of working experience in socio-economic research on transformation, sustainability and resilience of agri-food systems in the tropics. His main research interest lies in analyzing agricultural development problems and solutions with a focus on value chains, postharvest management, participatory methodologies for linking farmers to markets, crop-livestock-fish system integration, trade-related policies, agricultural innovation systems, innovation management and sharing, and management of complex research in development partnerships and multi-agency projects. Apart from his experience in conducting short-term research and consultancy in various low and middle-income countries (LMICs) on a number of different commodities, Diego has long-term overseas experience in Africa (Uganda), Asia (Vietnam) and Latin America (Brazil and Argentina) where he primarily focused on development challenges and opportunities of root and tuber crops. He obtained his Advanced University Degree (BSc/MSc) in “Agricultural Sciences” from the University of Turin (Italy) in 2001 and the PhD in “Cooperation for Sustainable Development” from the University "La Sapienza" of Rome (Italy) in 2006. He has been seconded to the International Potato Center (CIP) since 2014 and currently acting as CGIAR senior scientist based in Vietnam.
Peer reviewed articles
- Wauters, P., Naziri, D., Turinawe, A., Akello, R. & Parker M.L. (2022). Economic analysis of alternative ware potato storage technologies in Uganda. American Journal of Potato Research, Vol. 99, 217-228. DOI: 10.1007/s12230-022-09874-3
- Akello, R., Turinawe, A., Wauters, P. & Naziri, D. (2022) Factors Influencing the choice of storage technologies by smallholder potato farmers in eastern and southwestern Uganda. Agriculture, 12(2): 240. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture12020240
- Alam, G.M.M., Sarker, M.N.I., Gatto, M., Bhandari, H. & Naziri, D. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on fisheries and aquaculture sector in developing countries and way forward. Sustainability, 14(3): 1071. DOI: 10.3390/su14031071
- Tanimonure, V.A., Naziri, D., Codjoe, S.N. & Ayanwale, A.B. (2021). Underutilised indigenous vegetables for household dietary diversity in the era of climate change in Southwest Nigeria. Agriculture, Vol. 11(11): 1064. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture11111064
- Gatto, M., Naziri, D., San Pedro, J. & Bené, C. (2021). Crop resistance and household resilience – the case of cassava and sweetpotato during super-typhoon Ompong in the Philippines. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 62. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102392
- Tanimonure, V.A. & Naziri, D. (2021). Impact of climate adaptation strategies on the net farm revenue of underutilized indigenous vegetables’ (UIVs) production in Southwest Nigeria. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, Vol. 5. DOI:1016/j.resenv.2021.100029
- Asindu, M., Ouma, E., Elepu, G. & Naziri, D. (2020). Farmer demand and willingness-to-pay for sweetpotato silage-based diet as pig feed in Uganda. Sustainability, Vol. 12(16): 6452. DOI: 3390/su12166452
- Prain, G., Wheatley, C., Odsey, C., Verzola, L., Bertuso, A., Roa, J. & Naziri, D. (2020) Research-development partnerships for scaling complex innovation: Lessons from Farmer Business School in IFAD-supported loan-grant collaborations in Asia. Agricultural Systems, Vol. 182. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2020.102834
- Bentley, J.W., Naziri, D., Prain, G., Kikulwe, E., Mayanja, S., Devaux, A. & Thiele, G. (2020). Managing complexity and uncertainty in agricultural innovation through adaptive project design and implementation. Development in Practice, Vol. 31(2). DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2020.1832047
- Atkins, M., Byrd, K., Pincus, L., Naziri, D., Agboola, J.O. & Yossa, R. (2020). Fish, roots, tubers and bananas: opportunities and constraints for agri-food system integration. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2020.1776815
- Kikulwe, E.M., Okurut, S., Ajambo, S., Nowakunda, K., Stoian, D. & Naziri, D. (2018). Postharvest losses and their determinants: A challenge to creating a sustainable cooking banana value chain in Uganda. Sustainability, 10(7):2381. DOI: 10.3390/su10072381
- Naziri, D., Mayanja, S., Ssemwanga, J. & Donovan, J. (2017). Approaches and tools for inclusive value chain development: Lessons from Uganda for improved impact. Enterprise Development and Microfinance, Vol. 28(4), 323-341. DOI: 3362/1755-1986.00036
- Asindu, M. Elepu, G., Ouma, E., Kyalo, G., Lule, P. & Naziri, D. (2017). Sweet potato wastes in major pig producing districts in Uganda: An opportunity for investment in silage technologies. Livestock Research for Rural Development, Vol. 29, Article 216. http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd29/11/asim29216.html
- Tu, V.P., Nguyen, T.T., Chu, K.S., Luong, H.N., Nguyen, T.H.D., Bennett, B., Naziri, D., Tomlins, K. & Anh T.K. (2016). Potential use of by-products for animal feed from cassava in Viet Nam. Journal of Science and Development, Vol. 14(1), 93-100.
- Naziri, D., Rich, K.M. & Bennett, B. (2015). Would a commodity-based trade approach improve market access for Africa? A case study of the potential of beef exports from communal areas of Namibia. Development Policy Review, 33(2), 195-219. DOI: 10.1111/dpr.12098
- Naziri, D., Aubert, M., Codron, J.M., Loc, N.T.T. & Moustier, P. (2014). Estimating the impact of small-scale farmers’ collective action on food safety: The case of vegetables in Vietnam. The Journal of Development Studies, 50(5), 715-730. DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2013.874555
- Naziri, D., Quaye, W., Siwoku, B., Wanlapatit, S., Tu, V.P. & Bennett, B. (2014). The diversity of postharvest losses in cassava value chains in selected developing countries. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 115(2), 111–123. DOI: urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2014121946902
- Kleih, U., Linton, J., Marr, A., Mactaggart, M., Naziri, D. & Orchard, J. (2013). Financial services for small and medium-scale aquaculture and fisheries producers. Marine Policy, Vol. 37, 106-114. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2012.04.006
- Nguyen, T.T., Tu, V.P., Chu, K.S., Luong, H.N., Nguyen, T.H.D., Bennett, B., Naziri, D. & Anh T.K. (2013). Application of value chain analysis in understanding the losses and wastes of cassava in Vietnam. Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 51(6A), 70-76.
- Naziri, D. & Bennett, B. (2012). Private voluntary standards in livestock and meat sectors: implications for developing countries. Food Chain, 2, n. 1, 64-85. DOI: 10.3362/2046-1887.2012.006
Books and book chapters
- Okike, I., Wigboldus, S., Samireddipalle, A., Naziri, D., Adesehinwa, A.O.K., Adejoh, V.A., Amole, T., Bordoloi, S. & Kulakow, P. (2022). Turning waste to wealth: Harnessing the potential of cassava peels for nutritious animal feed. In G. Thiele, M. Friedmann, H. Campos, V. Polar & J.W. Bentley (Eds.), Root, tuber and banana food system innovations: Value creation for inclusive outcomes. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92022-7_6
- Devaux, A., Velasco, C., Ordinola, M. & Naziri, D. (2020). Enhancing value chain innovation through collective action: Lessons from the Andes, Africa, and Asia. In H. Campos & O. Ortiz (Eds.), The potato crop: Its agricultural, nutritional and social contribution to Cham, Switzerland: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-28683-5_3
- International Potato Center (2019). Connecting smallholder root and tuber growers to markets through Farmer Business Schools. Food Resilience Through Root and Tuber Crops in Upland and Coastal Communities of the Asia-Pacific (FoodSTART+). Lima (Peru). 65 pp. (Production coordinators: Naziri & C. Enalbes). DOI: 10.4160/9789290605287
- International Potato Center (2019). Farmer business school with climate change and gender perspective: Learning and monitoring guide. Food Resilience Through Root and Tuber Crops in Upland and Coastal Communities of the Asia‐Pacific (FoodSTART+) Project. Lima (Peru). 44 p. (Production coordinator: Naziri). DOI: 10.4160/9789290605256
- Mignon, S., Mazars-Chapelon, A., Chapellier, P., Janicot, C., Antona, M., De Romemont, A., Faure, G., Naziri, D., Moustier, P., Aubert, M., Codron, J.M., Nguyen, T.L. & Siboni, D. (2017). Capital social et action collective. In M. Antona & F. Bousquet (Eds.), Une troisième voie entre l’état et le marché: Echanges avec Elinor Ostrom (pp. 81-89). Versailles Cedex: Quae Editions.
- Naziri, D. (2009). Can consumer choice foster more diversified farming systems? The experience of direct sale in Toscana. In A. Bocci & T. Chiari (Eds.), The sustainable use of agrobiodiversity in Italy. Report on case studies on article 6 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (pp. 75-86). Firenze: Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare.
- Naziri, D. & Castellani, L. (2005). Impact of the Uruguay Round on the EU market access policy for fisheries and future perspectives. Which consequences of a unilateral trade liberalization?. Torino: Dipartimento di Economia e Ingegneria Agraria, Forestale e Ambientale, Università degli Studi di Torino, 127 pp.
- Naziri, D. & Castellani, L. (2002). Produzione e commercio internazionale del cacao: situazione e tendenze (Production and international trade of cocoa: situation and relevant issues). Torino: Dipartimento di Economia e Ingegneria Agraria, Forestale e Ambientale, Università degli Studi di Torino, 205 pp.
Selected working papers and research reports
- Naziri, D., Belton, B. Alobo Loison, S., Shikuku, K., Reardon, T., Kaguongo, W., Maina, K. Ogello, E. & Obiero, K. (2021). Pivoting in response to Covid-19 disruptions in the midstream of potato and fish value chains in Kenya. Lima, Peru: CIP; Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish.
- Dentoni, D., Brak, A. & Naziri, D. (2021). Farmer Business Schools (FBS) in local communities: How do FBS stimulate farmers’ learning and social capital? CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB). https://hdl.handle.net/10568/116677
- Tinyiro, E., Mayanja, S., Kisakye, S. & Naziri, D. (2021). Gendered mapping of steamed sweetpotato among urban consumers in Uganda. Lima (Peru). CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB).
- Tinyiro, E., Mayanja, S., Kisakye, S. & Naziri, D. (2021). Consumer preferences for steamed sweetpotato in urban areas of Uganda. Lima (Peru). CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB).
- Sartas M., Zervas P., Konstantinidis S., Sarfatti P., Schut M., Bonaiuti E., Naziri, D. & Clarke V. (2021). Descriptors for documenting innovations and their contributions to impact. Lima (Peru). CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB). DOI: 10.4160/9789290606079
- Kisakye, S., Tinyiro, E., Mayanja, S. & Naziri, D. (2020). Current status of knowledge about end-user preferences for boiled potato in Uganda – A food science, gender and demand perspective. Kampala, Uganda: CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Banana (RTB). DOI: 10.4160/9789290605546
- Atkins, M., Byrd, K.A., Pincus, L., Naziri, D., Yossa, R. & Thilsted, S.H. (2020). Integrating fish, roots, tubers and bananas in food systems: Opportunities and constraints. Working Paper: FISH-2020-06. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems; Lima, Peru: CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas.
- Prain, G. & Naziri, D. (2020). The role of root and tuber crops in strengthening agri-food system resilience in Asia: A literature review and selective stakeholder assessment. FoodSTART+ Working Paper. Lima (Peru). International Potato Center. ISBN: 978‐92‐9060‐539‐3. 58pp. DOI: 10.4160/9789290605393
- Palao, L.K., Naziri, D., Balanza, J.G. & Campilan, D.M. (2019). Transformational adaptation of key root and tuber crops in Asia: Species distribution modelling for assessing crop suitability in response to climate change. FOODSTART+ Project. Lima (Peru). International Potato Center. 34 pp. DOI: 10.4160/9789290605300
- Even, B., Naziri, D., Le Thi, H. & Palao, L.K. (2019). Is Vietnam in need of supportive policies for promoting roots and tubers development? Insights from Quang Binh province. FOODSTART+, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Nabukeera, C. & Naziri, D. (2017). Economic viability of ware potato storage in ambient stores in eastern Uganda. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Ojakol, J.F., Lule, P., Kyalo, G., Pezo, D., Naziri, D., Lukuyu, B. & Mutetikka D. (2017). Effect of sweetpotato silage diets on performance of growing pigs in Uganda. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Lule, P., Ojakol, J.F., Asindu, M., Naziri, D. & Ouma, E. (2017) Economic analysis of sweetpotato silage-based diets for smallholder pig farmers in Uganda. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Mayanja, S., Mudege, N. & Naziri, D. (2016). Gender situational analysis of the cassava value chain in Western Uganda and strategies for gender equity in postharvest innovations. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Mudege, N., Mayanja, S. & Naziri, D. (2016). Gender situational analysis of the potato value chain in eastern Uganda and strategies for gender equity in postharvest innovations. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Mudege, N., Mayanja, S. & Naziri, D. (2016). Gender situational analysis of the sweetpotato value chain in Central and Eastern Uganda and strategies for gender equity in postharvest innovatiion. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Waigumba, S.P., Nyamutoka, P., Wanda, K., Abass, A., Kwagala, I., Menya, G., Acheng, S., Nuwamanya, E., Matovu, M., Kaliisa, R., Muyinza, H., Nyakaisiki, E. & Naziri, D. (2016). Market opportunities and value chain analysis of fresh cassava roots in Uganda. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Nalunga, A., Kikulwe, E., Nowakunda, K., Ajambo, S. & Naziri, D. (2015). Structure of the cooking banana value chain in Uganda and opportunities for value addition and postharvest losses reduction. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Abayomi, L. A., Sandifolo, V., Naziri, D., Kaitano, V. & Shaw, M. (2013). C:AVA II Investment study - Malawi case study. C:AVA NRI project report, funded by the BMGF.
- Bennett, B., Naziri, D., Mahende, G., Magadi, J. & Masau, B. (2013). C:AVA II Investment study - Tanzania case study. C:AVA NRI project report, funded by the BMGF.
- Naziri, D. & Lam, H. (2013). Will exports of cassava from Nigeria to China take off in the coming years? An assessment of the opportunities of targeting the emerging Chinese bio-fuel industry. C:AVA NRI project report, funded by the BMGF.
- Naziri, D., L., Abayomi, L., Sandifolo, V., Kaitano, V. & Sergeant, A. (2013). Market opportunities for cassava in Malawi. C:AVA NRI project report, funded by the BMGF.
- Naziri, D. & Bennett, B. (2013). Value chains and levels/causes of post-harvest losses for cassava and yam. Gains from Losses from Roots and Tubers (GRATITUDE), EC, Brussels. FP7 no. 289843.
- Naziri, D., Sergeant, A., Graffham, A., Sanni, L., Abayomi, L. & Siwoku, B. (2013). Market opportunities for cassava in Nigeria. C:AVA NRI project report, funded by the BMGF.
- Bennett, B. & Naziri, D. (2013), Market Study for a range of potential cassava and yam waste product solutions in Ghana, Nigeria, Thailand and Vietnam, Gains from Losses from Roots and Tubers (GRATITUDE), EC, Brussels. FP7 no. 289843.
- Coote, C., Naziri, D., Kuiseu, J., Dembele, D. & Coulibaly, N. (2011). Diagnosis of capacity development needs of the OPV Maize Innovation Platforms for Technology Adoption (IPTAs) in Mali. NRI project report, funded by the DFID.
- Naziri, D. (2011). Financial services for SME fisheries: Egypt case study. NRI project report, funded by the GIZ.
- Naziri, D. (2011). The rapid rise of private voluntary standards in the livestock and meat sectors and their implications for developing countries. NRI Working Paper, funded by the DFID.
- Planning and conduct of applied socio-economic research in the agri-food and rural development sectors of LMIC countries, including market research, value chain analyses and feasibility studies.
- Postharvest management, value chain upgrading, market and business development.
- Food loss and waste assessment and reduction, particularly along value chains of perishable crops.
- Public and private standards in domestic, regional and international trade of agricultural and livestock products and implications for smallholder farmers’ market access.
- Establishment and management of partnerships between research organizations and government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private sector and service providers, including multi-stakeholder innovation platforms.
- Intellectual, technical and management leadership of interdisciplinary teams involving both biophysical and social scientists.
- Proven experience in strategic planning, project/program management, financial oversight, and M&E to ensure delivery of expected results and outcomes in a cost-effective and timely manner.
- Member of the NRI Development Studies Research Group.
Senior Scientist in the “Market Intelligence and Product Profiling”, a One CGIAR Initiative (2022-2030) which aims to provide data, information and insights to inform decisions that will prioritize and align CGIAR investment in breeding pipelines and seed systems. https://www.cgiar.org/initiative/05-market-intelligence-for-more-equitable-and-impactful-genetic-innovation/
Senior Scientist and Country Focal Point in the “Nature Positive Solutions”, a One CGIAR Initiative (2022-2030) which aims to re-imagine, co-create, and implement nature-positive solutions-based agrifood systems that equitably support local food and livelihoods, while simultaneously ensuring that agriculture is a net positive contributor to nature. https://www.cgiar.org/initiative/12-nature-positive-solutions-enhancing-productivity-and-resilience-safeguarding-the-environment-and-promoting-inclusive-community-growth/
Principal investigator (P.I.) of FoodSTART+, a USD 2.2mln EU-IFAD funded initiative (2015-2019) to directly support IFAD’s strategic framework 2016-2025. It introduced, validated and scaled root and tuber crop (RTC) innovations for reducing food vulnerability and enhancing resilience in the region, primarily within the framework of large-scale IFAD investment projects in India, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. http://www.rtb.cgiar.org/foodstartplus/
P.I. of RTB-ENDURE, a USD 3.6mln EU-IFAD funded multi-disciplinary project (2014-2017). It addressed key postharvest challenges of potato, sweetpotato, cassava and banana in Uganda by testing and validating technological and commercial innovations for improved postharvest management, expanded processing and targeting changing needs of emerging urban markets. Implementing team consisted of CIP, IITA, CIAT, Bioversity Int., CIRAD and several national partners, including 5 NARI, 3 Universities, 5 NGOs, local authorities, private firms and farmers’ organizations. Supervised three MSc students conducting relevant socio-economic research. https://www.rtb.cgiar.org/rtb-endure/
Research, consultancy and teaching
- Member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)
- Member of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
- Teaching Associate Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (HEA)
- Member of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC)
- Invited speaker, moderator and panelist at several international conferences and symposia
- Reviewer for a number of peer-reviewed journals.
Dr Diego Naziri joined the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University of Greenwich in November 2010 as Market and Trade Economist. Before joining NRI he was Postdoc Fellow at the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and at the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). Between 2006 and 2008 he was Research Fellow at the Agronomic Institute for the Overseas (IAO), the former technical-scientific branch of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for agriculture and rural development cooperation. Diego has more than 15 years of working experience in socio-economic research on transformation, sustainability and resilience of agri-food systems in the tropics. His main research interest lies in analyzing agricultural development problems and solutions with a focus on value chains, postharvest management, participatory methodologies for linking farmers to markets, crop-livestock-fish system integration, trade-related policies, agricultural innovation systems, innovation management and sharing, and management of complex research in development partnerships and multi-agency projects. Apart from his experience in conducting short-term research and consultancy in various low and middle-income countries (LMICs) on a number of different commodities, Diego has long-term overseas experience in Africa (Uganda), Asia (Vietnam) and Latin America (Brazil and Argentina) where he primarily focused on development challenges and opportunities of root and tuber crops. He obtained his Advanced University Degree (BSc/MSc) in “Agricultural Sciences” from the University of Turin (Italy) in 2001 and the PhD in “Cooperation for Sustainable Development” from the University "La Sapienza" of Rome (Italy) in 2006. He has been seconded to the International Potato Center (CIP) since 2014 and currently acting as CGIAR senior scientist based in Vietnam.
Peer reviewed articles
- Wauters, P., Naziri, D., Turinawe, A., Akello, R. & Parker M.L. (2022). Economic analysis of alternative ware potato storage technologies in Uganda. American Journal of Potato Research, Vol. 99, 217-228. DOI: 10.1007/s12230-022-09874-3
- Akello, R., Turinawe, A., Wauters, P. & Naziri, D. (2022) Factors Influencing the choice of storage technologies by smallholder potato farmers in eastern and southwestern Uganda. Agriculture, 12(2): 240. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture12020240
- Alam, G.M.M., Sarker, M.N.I., Gatto, M., Bhandari, H. & Naziri, D. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on fisheries and aquaculture sector in developing countries and way forward. Sustainability, 14(3): 1071. DOI: 10.3390/su14031071
- Tanimonure, V.A., Naziri, D., Codjoe, S.N. & Ayanwale, A.B. (2021). Underutilised indigenous vegetables for household dietary diversity in the era of climate change in Southwest Nigeria. Agriculture, Vol. 11(11): 1064. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture11111064
- Gatto, M., Naziri, D., San Pedro, J. & Bené, C. (2021). Crop resistance and household resilience – the case of cassava and sweetpotato during super-typhoon Ompong in the Philippines. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 62. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102392
- Tanimonure, V.A. & Naziri, D. (2021). Impact of climate adaptation strategies on the net farm revenue of underutilized indigenous vegetables’ (UIVs) production in Southwest Nigeria. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, Vol. 5. DOI:1016/j.resenv.2021.100029
- Asindu, M., Ouma, E., Elepu, G. & Naziri, D. (2020). Farmer demand and willingness-to-pay for sweetpotato silage-based diet as pig feed in Uganda. Sustainability, Vol. 12(16): 6452. DOI: 3390/su12166452
- Prain, G., Wheatley, C., Odsey, C., Verzola, L., Bertuso, A., Roa, J. & Naziri, D. (2020) Research-development partnerships for scaling complex innovation: Lessons from Farmer Business School in IFAD-supported loan-grant collaborations in Asia. Agricultural Systems, Vol. 182. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2020.102834
- Bentley, J.W., Naziri, D., Prain, G., Kikulwe, E., Mayanja, S., Devaux, A. & Thiele, G. (2020). Managing complexity and uncertainty in agricultural innovation through adaptive project design and implementation. Development in Practice, Vol. 31(2). DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2020.1832047
- Atkins, M., Byrd, K., Pincus, L., Naziri, D., Agboola, J.O. & Yossa, R. (2020). Fish, roots, tubers and bananas: opportunities and constraints for agri-food system integration. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2020.1776815
- Kikulwe, E.M., Okurut, S., Ajambo, S., Nowakunda, K., Stoian, D. & Naziri, D. (2018). Postharvest losses and their determinants: A challenge to creating a sustainable cooking banana value chain in Uganda. Sustainability, 10(7):2381. DOI: 10.3390/su10072381
- Naziri, D., Mayanja, S., Ssemwanga, J. & Donovan, J. (2017). Approaches and tools for inclusive value chain development: Lessons from Uganda for improved impact. Enterprise Development and Microfinance, Vol. 28(4), 323-341. DOI: 3362/1755-1986.00036
- Asindu, M. Elepu, G., Ouma, E., Kyalo, G., Lule, P. & Naziri, D. (2017). Sweet potato wastes in major pig producing districts in Uganda: An opportunity for investment in silage technologies. Livestock Research for Rural Development, Vol. 29, Article 216. http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd29/11/asim29216.html
- Tu, V.P., Nguyen, T.T., Chu, K.S., Luong, H.N., Nguyen, T.H.D., Bennett, B., Naziri, D., Tomlins, K. & Anh T.K. (2016). Potential use of by-products for animal feed from cassava in Viet Nam. Journal of Science and Development, Vol. 14(1), 93-100.
- Naziri, D., Rich, K.M. & Bennett, B. (2015). Would a commodity-based trade approach improve market access for Africa? A case study of the potential of beef exports from communal areas of Namibia. Development Policy Review, 33(2), 195-219. DOI: 10.1111/dpr.12098
- Naziri, D., Aubert, M., Codron, J.M., Loc, N.T.T. & Moustier, P. (2014). Estimating the impact of small-scale farmers’ collective action on food safety: The case of vegetables in Vietnam. The Journal of Development Studies, 50(5), 715-730. DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2013.874555
- Naziri, D., Quaye, W., Siwoku, B., Wanlapatit, S., Tu, V.P. & Bennett, B. (2014). The diversity of postharvest losses in cassava value chains in selected developing countries. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 115(2), 111–123. DOI: urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2014121946902
- Kleih, U., Linton, J., Marr, A., Mactaggart, M., Naziri, D. & Orchard, J. (2013). Financial services for small and medium-scale aquaculture and fisheries producers. Marine Policy, Vol. 37, 106-114. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2012.04.006
- Nguyen, T.T., Tu, V.P., Chu, K.S., Luong, H.N., Nguyen, T.H.D., Bennett, B., Naziri, D. & Anh T.K. (2013). Application of value chain analysis in understanding the losses and wastes of cassava in Vietnam. Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 51(6A), 70-76.
- Naziri, D. & Bennett, B. (2012). Private voluntary standards in livestock and meat sectors: implications for developing countries. Food Chain, 2, n. 1, 64-85. DOI: 10.3362/2046-1887.2012.006
Books and book chapters
- Okike, I., Wigboldus, S., Samireddipalle, A., Naziri, D., Adesehinwa, A.O.K., Adejoh, V.A., Amole, T., Bordoloi, S. & Kulakow, P. (2022). Turning waste to wealth: Harnessing the potential of cassava peels for nutritious animal feed. In G. Thiele, M. Friedmann, H. Campos, V. Polar & J.W. Bentley (Eds.), Root, tuber and banana food system innovations: Value creation for inclusive outcomes. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92022-7_6
- Devaux, A., Velasco, C., Ordinola, M. & Naziri, D. (2020). Enhancing value chain innovation through collective action: Lessons from the Andes, Africa, and Asia. In H. Campos & O. Ortiz (Eds.), The potato crop: Its agricultural, nutritional and social contribution to Cham, Switzerland: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-28683-5_3
- International Potato Center (2019). Connecting smallholder root and tuber growers to markets through Farmer Business Schools. Food Resilience Through Root and Tuber Crops in Upland and Coastal Communities of the Asia-Pacific (FoodSTART+). Lima (Peru). 65 pp. (Production coordinators: Naziri & C. Enalbes). DOI: 10.4160/9789290605287
- International Potato Center (2019). Farmer business school with climate change and gender perspective: Learning and monitoring guide. Food Resilience Through Root and Tuber Crops in Upland and Coastal Communities of the Asia‐Pacific (FoodSTART+) Project. Lima (Peru). 44 p. (Production coordinator: Naziri). DOI: 10.4160/9789290605256
- Mignon, S., Mazars-Chapelon, A., Chapellier, P., Janicot, C., Antona, M., De Romemont, A., Faure, G., Naziri, D., Moustier, P., Aubert, M., Codron, J.M., Nguyen, T.L. & Siboni, D. (2017). Capital social et action collective. In M. Antona & F. Bousquet (Eds.), Une troisième voie entre l’état et le marché: Echanges avec Elinor Ostrom (pp. 81-89). Versailles Cedex: Quae Editions.
- Naziri, D. (2009). Can consumer choice foster more diversified farming systems? The experience of direct sale in Toscana. In A. Bocci & T. Chiari (Eds.), The sustainable use of agrobiodiversity in Italy. Report on case studies on article 6 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (pp. 75-86). Firenze: Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare.
- Naziri, D. & Castellani, L. (2005). Impact of the Uruguay Round on the EU market access policy for fisheries and future perspectives. Which consequences of a unilateral trade liberalization?. Torino: Dipartimento di Economia e Ingegneria Agraria, Forestale e Ambientale, Università degli Studi di Torino, 127 pp.
- Naziri, D. & Castellani, L. (2002). Produzione e commercio internazionale del cacao: situazione e tendenze (Production and international trade of cocoa: situation and relevant issues). Torino: Dipartimento di Economia e Ingegneria Agraria, Forestale e Ambientale, Università degli Studi di Torino, 205 pp.
Selected working papers and research reports
- Naziri, D., Belton, B. Alobo Loison, S., Shikuku, K., Reardon, T., Kaguongo, W., Maina, K. Ogello, E. & Obiero, K. (2021). Pivoting in response to Covid-19 disruptions in the midstream of potato and fish value chains in Kenya. Lima, Peru: CIP; Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish.
- Dentoni, D., Brak, A. & Naziri, D. (2021). Farmer Business Schools (FBS) in local communities: How do FBS stimulate farmers’ learning and social capital? CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB). https://hdl.handle.net/10568/116677
- Tinyiro, E., Mayanja, S., Kisakye, S. & Naziri, D. (2021). Gendered mapping of steamed sweetpotato among urban consumers in Uganda. Lima (Peru). CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB).
- Tinyiro, E., Mayanja, S., Kisakye, S. & Naziri, D. (2021). Consumer preferences for steamed sweetpotato in urban areas of Uganda. Lima (Peru). CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB).
- Sartas M., Zervas P., Konstantinidis S., Sarfatti P., Schut M., Bonaiuti E., Naziri, D. & Clarke V. (2021). Descriptors for documenting innovations and their contributions to impact. Lima (Peru). CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB). DOI: 10.4160/9789290606079
- Kisakye, S., Tinyiro, E., Mayanja, S. & Naziri, D. (2020). Current status of knowledge about end-user preferences for boiled potato in Uganda – A food science, gender and demand perspective. Kampala, Uganda: CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Banana (RTB). DOI: 10.4160/9789290605546
- Atkins, M., Byrd, K.A., Pincus, L., Naziri, D., Yossa, R. & Thilsted, S.H. (2020). Integrating fish, roots, tubers and bananas in food systems: Opportunities and constraints. Working Paper: FISH-2020-06. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems; Lima, Peru: CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas.
- Prain, G. & Naziri, D. (2020). The role of root and tuber crops in strengthening agri-food system resilience in Asia: A literature review and selective stakeholder assessment. FoodSTART+ Working Paper. Lima (Peru). International Potato Center. ISBN: 978‐92‐9060‐539‐3. 58pp. DOI: 10.4160/9789290605393
- Palao, L.K., Naziri, D., Balanza, J.G. & Campilan, D.M. (2019). Transformational adaptation of key root and tuber crops in Asia: Species distribution modelling for assessing crop suitability in response to climate change. FOODSTART+ Project. Lima (Peru). International Potato Center. 34 pp. DOI: 10.4160/9789290605300
- Even, B., Naziri, D., Le Thi, H. & Palao, L.K. (2019). Is Vietnam in need of supportive policies for promoting roots and tubers development? Insights from Quang Binh province. FOODSTART+, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Nabukeera, C. & Naziri, D. (2017). Economic viability of ware potato storage in ambient stores in eastern Uganda. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Ojakol, J.F., Lule, P., Kyalo, G., Pezo, D., Naziri, D., Lukuyu, B. & Mutetikka D. (2017). Effect of sweetpotato silage diets on performance of growing pigs in Uganda. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Lule, P., Ojakol, J.F., Asindu, M., Naziri, D. & Ouma, E. (2017) Economic analysis of sweetpotato silage-based diets for smallholder pig farmers in Uganda. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Mayanja, S., Mudege, N. & Naziri, D. (2016). Gender situational analysis of the cassava value chain in Western Uganda and strategies for gender equity in postharvest innovations. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Mudege, N., Mayanja, S. & Naziri, D. (2016). Gender situational analysis of the potato value chain in eastern Uganda and strategies for gender equity in postharvest innovations. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Mudege, N., Mayanja, S. & Naziri, D. (2016). Gender situational analysis of the sweetpotato value chain in Central and Eastern Uganda and strategies for gender equity in postharvest innovatiion. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Waigumba, S.P., Nyamutoka, P., Wanda, K., Abass, A., Kwagala, I., Menya, G., Acheng, S., Nuwamanya, E., Matovu, M., Kaliisa, R., Muyinza, H., Nyakaisiki, E. & Naziri, D. (2016). Market opportunities and value chain analysis of fresh cassava roots in Uganda. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Nalunga, A., Kikulwe, E., Nowakunda, K., Ajambo, S. & Naziri, D. (2015). Structure of the cooking banana value chain in Uganda and opportunities for value addition and postharvest losses reduction. RTB-ENDURE report, funded by EU/IFAD.
- Abayomi, L. A., Sandifolo, V., Naziri, D., Kaitano, V. & Shaw, M. (2013). C:AVA II Investment study - Malawi case study. C:AVA NRI project report, funded by the BMGF.
- Bennett, B., Naziri, D., Mahende, G., Magadi, J. & Masau, B. (2013). C:AVA II Investment study - Tanzania case study. C:AVA NRI project report, funded by the BMGF.
- Naziri, D. & Lam, H. (2013). Will exports of cassava from Nigeria to China take off in the coming years? An assessment of the opportunities of targeting the emerging Chinese bio-fuel industry. C:AVA NRI project report, funded by the BMGF.
- Naziri, D., L., Abayomi, L., Sandifolo, V., Kaitano, V. & Sergeant, A. (2013). Market opportunities for cassava in Malawi. C:AVA NRI project report, funded by the BMGF.
- Naziri, D. & Bennett, B. (2013). Value chains and levels/causes of post-harvest losses for cassava and yam. Gains from Losses from Roots and Tubers (GRATITUDE), EC, Brussels. FP7 no. 289843.
- Naziri, D., Sergeant, A., Graffham, A., Sanni, L., Abayomi, L. & Siwoku, B. (2013). Market opportunities for cassava in Nigeria. C:AVA NRI project report, funded by the BMGF.
- Bennett, B. & Naziri, D. (2013), Market Study for a range of potential cassava and yam waste product solutions in Ghana, Nigeria, Thailand and Vietnam, Gains from Losses from Roots and Tubers (GRATITUDE), EC, Brussels. FP7 no. 289843.
- Coote, C., Naziri, D., Kuiseu, J., Dembele, D. & Coulibaly, N. (2011). Diagnosis of capacity development needs of the OPV Maize Innovation Platforms for Technology Adoption (IPTAs) in Mali. NRI project report, funded by the DFID.
- Naziri, D. (2011). Financial services for SME fisheries: Egypt case study. NRI project report, funded by the GIZ.
- Naziri, D. (2011). The rapid rise of private voluntary standards in the livestock and meat sectors and their implications for developing countries. NRI Working Paper, funded by the DFID.
- Planning and conduct of applied socio-economic research in the agri-food and rural development sectors of LMIC countries, including market research, value chain analyses and feasibility studies.
- Postharvest management, value chain upgrading, market and business development.
- Food loss and waste assessment and reduction, particularly along value chains of perishable crops.
- Public and private standards in domestic, regional and international trade of agricultural and livestock products and implications for smallholder farmers’ market access.
- Establishment and management of partnerships between research organizations and government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private sector and service providers, including multi-stakeholder innovation platforms.
- Intellectual, technical and management leadership of interdisciplinary teams involving both biophysical and social scientists.
- Proven experience in strategic planning, project/program management, financial oversight, and M&E to ensure delivery of expected results and outcomes in a cost-effective and timely manner.
- Member of the NRI Development Studies Research Group.
Senior Scientist in the “Market Intelligence and Product Profiling”, a One CGIAR Initiative (2022-2030) which aims to provide data, information and insights to inform decisions that will prioritize and align CGIAR investment in breeding pipelines and seed systems. https://www.cgiar.org/initiative/05-market-intelligence-for-more-equitable-and-impactful-genetic-innovation/
Senior Scientist and Country Focal Point in the “Nature Positive Solutions”, a One CGIAR Initiative (2022-2030) which aims to re-imagine, co-create, and implement nature-positive solutions-based agrifood systems that equitably support local food and livelihoods, while simultaneously ensuring that agriculture is a net positive contributor to nature. https://www.cgiar.org/initiative/12-nature-positive-solutions-enhancing-productivity-and-resilience-safeguarding-the-environment-and-promoting-inclusive-community-growth/
Principal investigator (P.I.) of FoodSTART+, a USD 2.2mln EU-IFAD funded initiative (2015-2019) to directly support IFAD’s strategic framework 2016-2025. It introduced, validated and scaled root and tuber crop (RTC) innovations for reducing food vulnerability and enhancing resilience in the region, primarily within the framework of large-scale IFAD investment projects in India, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. http://www.rtb.cgiar.org/foodstartplus/
P.I. of RTB-ENDURE, a USD 3.6mln EU-IFAD funded multi-disciplinary project (2014-2017). It addressed key postharvest challenges of potato, sweetpotato, cassava and banana in Uganda by testing and validating technological and commercial innovations for improved postharvest management, expanded processing and targeting changing needs of emerging urban markets. Implementing team consisted of CIP, IITA, CIAT, Bioversity Int., CIRAD and several national partners, including 5 NARI, 3 Universities, 5 NGOs, local authorities, private firms and farmers’ organizations. Supervised three MSc students conducting relevant socio-economic research. https://www.rtb.cgiar.org/rtb-endure/
Research, consultancy and teaching
- Member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)
- Member of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
- Teaching Associate Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (HEA)
- Member of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC)
- Invited speaker, moderator and panelist at several international conferences and symposia
- Reviewer for a number of peer-reviewed journals.