Dr John E Orchard

Visiting Fellow

Livelihoods and Institutions Department

+44 (0)1634 88 3199

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2015 – present: Director of Postgraduate Research Studies
20102015: Director of Research and Enterprise
2001 – 2010: Group Leader of Enterprise, Trade and Food Management Group, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich, United Kingdom.
1996 – 2001: Deputy Head of Food Systems Department and Head of Horticulture Group, NRI.
1996: Acting Head of Crop Utilisation Department, NRI.
1994 to April 1996: Head of Post-harvest Horticulture Group, NRI.
1991 to 1993: Head of Food and Processing Section, NRI.
1988-91: Overseas Development Administration, UK Government. Technical Co-operation Officer (Biochemist/Plant Physiologist), Kenya Tea Research Foundation. Investigating more efficient methods of tea manufacture in Estate and Smallholder factories, and yield and physiology of the tea bush under different environment.
1986-88: Senior Research Officer, Liverpool University. Contract research on physiological plant pathological problems of cacao for chocolate industry.
1980-85: Overseas Development Administration, UK Government.
Technical Co-operation Officer (Plant Physiologist) at the Agricultural Research Institute of Ecuador undertaking research in the yield reductions of cocoa due to drought and influence of irrigation.
1978-80: National Cacao Research Centre, Brazil, Experimental Officer, studying fruit growth and development.

I have an interest in the post-harvest management of beverage, cereal and horticulture crops, with a focus on research, advisory and training projects covering the supply chain with support to farmers, traders and support services. Considerable experience in research project formulation, administration, management and appraisal. NRI Currently supervising PhD students in the following research areas:

  • Structuring Client Voice in Microfinance Institutions in Kenya.
  • Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Post-Harvest Quality of Perishables.
  • Optimising the production of biofuels from algae.
  • Reasons for multiple loans in microfinance and their effect on the repayment performance.
  • Consumers' perception of food safety in the supply chain.

  • Member of Tropical Association of Agriculture