Professor Keith I Tomlins

Emeritus Professor of Food Science

Livelihoods and Institutions Department

+44 (0)1634 88 3460

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Emeritus Professor of Food Science. Over 35 years' experience in international project management, research and consultancy. Expertise in post-harvest aspects of agricultural commodities, mainly Africa based. Specialist in postharvest production and losses/waste management.  Expertise in sensory evaluation and consumer acceptance. Consultant in cargo inspection and warehouse management. Experience in Africa, Caribbean, Pacific, Asia, Europe and North America during more than 130 short- and long-term international assignments. Author of 100 international peer-reviewed papers and other publications.

  • Ray, R.C.and Tomlins, K. I. (2010) Sweet Potato: Post Harvest Aspects in Food, Feed and Industry, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 316pp, ISBN978-1-60876-343-6
  • Tomlins, K., Johnson, P-N. T. and Tortoe, C. (2005) Street-catering: A guide for Environmental Health Officers, NGO's, Street food vendors and Food Caterers, col-DB Publishers, Accra, Ghana, 30pp, ISBN: 9900-0-3399-0
  • Bainbridge, Z., Tomlins, K., Wellings, K. and Westby, A. (1996) Methods for assessing the quality characteristics of non-grain starch staples: Part 1 to 4, Natural Resources Institute: Chatham. ISBN: 0-85954-400-1. 215pp.

Professor Keith Tomlins has been working with the Natural Resources Institute (and its predecessors) since 1982 and joined the University of Greenwich in 1996.

Over 25 years' experience in international project management, research and consultancy. He is leader of the Natural Resources Institute Programme for Root and Tuber Crops in Development. He has expertise in post-harvest aspects of agricultural commodities. Specialist in sensory evaluation and consumer acceptability, root and tuber crops and street vended foods (including traditional foods). Expert witness in cargo inspection and warehouse management. Experience in over 30 countries in Africa, Caribbean, Pacific, Asia, Europe and North America during more than 150 short- and long-term assignments. Author of 100 publications including 42 in international peer-reviewed papers and two books. His recent inaugural lecture was on the topic of 'Let Them Eat Cake: Food Quality and Acceptance in Africa' ( and the lecture can be viewed at

Member of the University of Greenwich Research Ethics Committee (Faculty and University levels)

PhD Supervision:
Two current students and two completions
External Examiner – two students (University of Kent, University of Queensland)
Internal Examiner – two students

  • President of the International Society of Tropical Root Crops (
  • International Advisory Board Member of the Journal of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology (Prof. Chryss F. I. Onwuka, Editor - In – Chief)
  • External consultant for CWA International Ltd (