Knowledge for a sustainable world

Calling all farmers, growers, researchers, manufacturers and suppliers: with growing pressure to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides, now is the time to discover the latest advances in Integrated...

Fresh cassava rots all too quickly, with roots beginning to deteriorate within 24–72 hours after harvest. This is a huge problem in sub-Saharan Africa, where 500 million people rely on the crop for...

Wetlands, as their name suggests, are areas that are saturated with water, permanently or seasonally, existing at the interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Why should wetlands matter...

Control of pests is necessary for farmers to reduce crop losses, safeguard livestock and ensure that produce is protected once it’s been harvested and stored. For smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan...

Love your greens? So does the diamondback moth – especially brassicas like broccoli and cauliflower, and leafy salad greens – as many growers around the world know. Despite its diminutive size, the...

Invisible insects? The insects in question are not actually invisible, but they do fly high enough for their movement to have gone largely unnoticed. The huge numbers of insects – about 3.5 trillion...

Better nutrition for a growing population is a major challenge of our time. In order to provide a healthy and sustainable diet for all, it is necessary to have a clear and accurate picture of current...

Rats are everywhere. They cause damage in a multitude of ways, from destroying field crops, to eating and contaminating stored food, spreading serious diseases among people and animals and destroying...