
Dr Delia Grace Randolph has been recognised for her work on the links between animal, human, and environment health. The Arrell Food Institute at the University of Guelph awarded Dr Randolph the research innovation award which carries a prize of $100,000.

The prize was awarded primarily for Dr Randolph’s direct work with communities to build capacity and improve access to food. The University of Guelph said: “Dr. Delia Grace Randolph,delia grace1 750 winner of the research innovation award, is a renowned scientist with unique and transformative impacts on the safety of food systems and public health in developing countries. As a trained veterinarian and epidemiologist, she brings a special expertise on the interconnectedness of animal health, human health and eco-health to her work. A focus of her work is improving food safety in informal markets in developing countries.”

Dr Randolph who joined NRI at the University of Greenwich in May 2020, was formerly Program Leader (joint) for the Animal and Human Health Program at the International Livestock Research Institute, based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Her varied career has also comprised training as a vet and spending five years in large animal practice in Lancashire in the UK, and working as a volunteer for three years in Bangladesh supporting livestock development.

Dr Randolph says: “I’m honoured to be named the recipient of the Arrell Global Food Innovation Award in the area of research impact. There is a very critical relationship between animal, human, and environment health and I hope we can continue to research and find ways to help improve food safety and thus the health of humans and animals. While there is still a lot to learn, by listening and engaging, thinking and trying, we can achieve much more.”

Awarded annually since 2018, the Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards recognize unique approaches and achievements of individuals and organizations around the globe.

The Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards are adjudicated by a group of internationally recognized scientists and community activists. This year’s adjudicators are: Nadia Theodore, senior vice president, global government and industry relations, Maple Leaf Foods; Florence Lasbennes, managing director, 4SD; Lawrence Haddad, executive director, Gain and; Adrienne Xavier, acting director of the Indigenous Studies Program, McMaster University.

To find about more about:

Natural Resources Institute

Dr Delia Grace Randolph

The Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards

The University of Guelph