In January 2003, NRI will launch a restructured '' website. The new site will reflect the significant changes that NRI has undergone in the past 18 months.
Just as importantly, it will be aimed at a wider audience, with:
- more information about what NRI is and what we do;
- highlights and topical issues featured on the home page; and
- greater use of multiple levels, hyperlinks and glossary entries to allow visitors to decide how much (or how little) detail they want to see.
Once the new site is running smoothly, we will be working to increase the amount of information available to visitors. For example, we intend to add pen-sketches summarizing the skills of every member of NRI so that visitors to the site can see the very wide range of professional expertise and geographical experience of our natural and social scientists, together with the specialist talents and considerable experience of our managers, administrators and technicians. Similarly, we intend to make many more of our new in-house publications and reports available on-line via the website.
In recent months, the members of the '' core team - Web Editor (Chris Haines), Webmaster (Helen Bowles) and Systems Development Manager (Alan Bourne) - have been working with the Director and Group representatives to reshape the site, update or rewrite existing pages, and add much new material. Chris Haines says: "We believe the new site will be more interesting for a wider range of potential visitors and we want it to become increasingly a source of information about natural resources development issues, as well as being a showcase for NRI's work and expertise. The development of the new site is obviously an ongoing project and we still have much to do to improve it over the next few months: we will be very pleased to receive feedback (to the contacts listed below) from visitors who encounter any problems or notice any inconsistencies in the information.
Please contact Helen Bowles if you have any comments on site navigation and layout, or Chris Haines with feedback on site content.