Between November 2007 and early February 2008, NRI was delighted to welcome eight trainees from the People's Republic of China, who attended courses in Conservation Ecology, Tools for Sustainability and Tropical Forest Ecology and Management. All the trainees work in aspects of conservation and forestry for the Chinese government and were selected from eight different provinces across China. During their time at NRI they had the opportunity to revise some basic aspects of their subjects as well as learn about more recent advances and case studies.
Chinese students on the completion of their courses in Conservation Ecology, pictured here with Prof. Andrew Westby (Director of Research amd Enterprise), Dr. Peter Burt, Ms Claire Coote and Dr. Colin Tingle.
© University of Greenwich
On successful completion of their studies, they were presented with course certificates by Professor Andrew Westby, Director of Research and Enterprise (centre bottom). Also pictured are Dr Peter Burt (middle), leader of the MSc Natural Resources programme, and two of the course lecturers, Ms Claire Coote and Dr Colin Tingle.