
Professor Bob Cheke and Sanyi Tang just been awarded a certificate for the top cited article in


For the last 15 years, Robert Cheke has been conducting research on the infamous pest, the


Like locust's and other plagues of biblical proportions, local rat populations can sometimes


NRI is assisting with the process of eliminating obsolete pesticides in Africa through its


World-wide agricultural advisory services have a new coordination body called the Global Forum for


Sweet potato is a very valuable crop widely consumed in sub-Saharan Africa. Sun drying of sweet


The Royal Entomological Society (RES) has awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Society to Chris


Participatory plant breeding (PPB) is an approach, developed over the last few decades, in which


The All Party Parliamentary Group on Agriculture and Food for Development was established in


NRI researcher John Morton has been selected for a key role in the next report of the


David Hall and his team at NRI are part of a consortium that is among the winners of funding in


The Times Higher Leadership and Management Awards 2010 were designed to celebrate the leadership,


A recent international scientific meeting in Nairobi "Winning the war against armyworms" on


Research carried out by a team from the Natural Resources Institute has been named as one of the


Few developing countries have managed to overcome the huge cost of successfully eradicating animal
