The Postharvest Innovation for Sustainable Food Systems Research Group is a team of researchers who are passionate about finding solutions to reduce food loss and waste along the food supply chain. Their research interest covers a wide range of topics, from measuring and monitoring food loss and waste to the development of innovative postharvest solutions, including cooling, handling, grading, sorting, drying, and packaging. The group aims to minimize waste, maximize quality, and extend the shelf life of food products. They use participatory and interdisciplinary research methodologies to understand the needs and challenges of different stakeholders in the food system. Their approach is inclusive and collaborative, as they believe in fostering partnerships that bring together diverse expertise to tackle the multifaceted challenges within the postharvest domain.

Group Leaders

Professor Ben Bennett

Deputy Director, Professor of International Trade and Marketing Economics and NRI Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange

+44 (0)1634 88 3449

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